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Different View

Kentucky state visit. part 2.


part 1.

Lucky's mother could not sleep because of her nightmare. And the next morning, when the dawn began to skyrocket, the woman saw that some glow was pouring into her room. The next moment, she was staring at the huge yellow eyes of an alien through the window. In this case, the alien's eyes were staring at her through the window.

FANTASY OR REALITY? In this case, the alien's eyes were staring at her through the window. Everybody treated the incident differently. Many publications ridiculed the Suttons, attributing to them hallucinations from alcohol consumption. Someone believed that the locals were trying to attract attention in this way because since the 1940s in the U.S. it was very fashionable to hear a UFO landing. Moreover, according to ufologists, the farmer and his family really visited the aliens.

Anyway, the fact of making a profit with this sensation still took place. The family began to charge those who wanted to see the scene of the incident but motivated by the fact that they were protecting their personal space from simple yawns.

But if you look at the case, on the other hand, the Suttons only suffered from the whole story. The fellow-countrymen began to treat them in a hostile manner, with some people losing their jobs and children teasing their peers for a long time to come.

THE CIRCUS LEFT ... THE CLOWNS STAYED. There was another version of the incident. Some of the researchers of this case believed that the farm was not visited by aliens, but... ordinary circus monkeys. In favor of this version said that, before the monsters came to Sutton, Hopkinsville toured the circus. However, no one reported the disappearance of monkeys, and there are no animals in nature that are invulnerable to bullets. And the police found a lot of shell casings on the farm that could kill a whole bunch of monkeys. Until now, no one knows exactly what Kelly's residents were watching that memorable night. French researchers believe that these could be phosphorescent owls, who were protecting their chicks. This is indicated by drawings made by eyewitnesses. They show creatures sitting on rooftops and trees very similar to these birds.

Infestation. Ufologists have studied this story quite carefully, but none of them found evidence that it was a deliberate deception or mass hallucination. It was also doubtful that people thought the aliens were animals. Besides, Chief of Police Russell Greenwell commented on the situation so much: "These people were frightened by something that did not fit into their understanding. In support of the alien version of what happened, we can cite the fact that in 1955, there were many reports from different parts of the U.S. about the emergence of aliens. The description of the appearance of the aliens completely coincided with the one that gave the family of farmers. It is also worth saying that none of the 11 people who were at that moment on the farm, and then for many years became the subject of cruel ridicule, did not give up their testimony in the future.

The question arises, why build such a veil on the mysteries that have long been the property of mankind? What technologies have not been used so far by the "mighty of this world" that they are so afraid to open the page with all the shaded black paint? Why insist on hiding over practically proven incidents, while inventing completely insane and sometimes ridiculous options for the deployment of events? And the most important question for today: Why the information on visiting by aliens of our planet for last years when devices making records became millions times more, than even 5 years ago sharply comes to an end? Phenomenon? No! Another conspiracy, with which for some reason everyone has come to terms...

Meanwhile, thanks to sources working in the sphere of space control, it became known this year that there were at least seven serious visits to the planet, four of which were fixed over the cities-megalopolises. But still neither in news nor in social networks nor in private chronicles there are no even insignificant notes about such grandiose event. Not to mention the failed assault of the notorious "zone 51", which was massively supported, but as soon as it became dangerous because of the possible exposure was immediately destroyed as the very idea of compromising videos of corrupt bloggers and homegrown scientists. Do you really think it will be possible to hide something like this from civilization until the end of its existence, which may come about when the very same "non-existent" kinds of life are attacked? Funny!