Chapter Five, in which Masha and Rex try to poison
The travelers were lucky, even though they didn't realize it. Two more days they had food. Sometimes it was a game. Once Rexic found the treasure: the unknown as a sandwich with ham and cheese in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the world, in the American style: huge and bitten. He gave the ham to his girlfriend almost all of it after he had eaten it himself a little. The cheese was honestly divided. Our generous dog softened the bread himself.
On the third day, there was trouble on the horizon.
It was a city, very dusty and very strange. I mean, it looked strange, and the smell was just disgusting. Chemical plants always smell like that.
It took almost a whole day to get close to this place. And here the cat showed complete indecision.
She knew the direction firmly. It was just passing through this city. But the cat didn't want to go there. I'm not talking about the smell: it would have been enough to create a lasting disgust. But Masha didn't like the look of these buildings either. He was unusual and therefore dangerous.
Rexic didn't like that smell either. He also saw the flow of cars in the distance. Some of them were standing and some were moving. I can't say that my dog was afraid of cars. He wouldn't mind sitting in the back seat when we were driving out of town. But that was his car, but he didn't trust anyone else's. His car was proven and safe. Other people's cars were moving in an unpredictable direction, and very quickly. Even as a gentle puppy, Rex had learned that any car ran faster than a dog. In other words, this bad-smelling dog is able to catch up and bite. True, not a single car has ever done so, but during the walks they were rushing right next to each other. Dangerously close by. And quite MOGLE to bite.
That's why the animals, looking at this suspicious place, exchanged such remarks:
- I don't want to go there. It is dangerous and disgusting there. Me!
Rex made a positive tail move.
- I don't want too either. And then, there's the smell of...
Unfortunately, dog language is not universal. In particular, it cannot express what exactly it smells like - unless, of course, it is food. In defense of my wonderful dog, I will say at once: people are not strong in this sense either. They are very good at speaking, but they are not able to describe the smells in a meaningful way - unless, of course, it is food. That's when people say with confidence: "The smell of bread. Or, "Oh, it smelled like fried potatoes. But even people can say at once and unmistakably: this smell is pleasant, but the other way around. What can we say about dogs!
That's why Rexia could only make it clear that he does not like the smell actively. Mashenka was exactly the same opinion. In the end, that was the reason for the bypass maneuver.
But that wasn't the end of the difficulty. It wasn't even the lack of food: there was no water either. The last five days were not raining, and the heat dried up all the puddles.
The animals shaved the dry ground. Suddenly Masha was wary of the ears. Something was murmuring.
- Water!
There was no need to repeat it. Both rushed from all eight legs in the direction of the desired sound. But the closer Rex came to the creek, the more puzzled his face became. And then it became frankly alarming.
The cat was already trying on the descent, but Rex suddenly stood between it and the water flow.
- You can't drink that water!
The cat was at a dead end. She thought the dog just wanted to get drunk first. That thought seemed strange. But still Masha tried to influence the mind of a black comrade:
- We need to get drunk. There may not be any other water nearby.
- This water cannot be drunk! It smells dangerous.
Unfortunately, Rexia with his modest reserve of words could not explain why it is impossible and why it is dangerous, although he understood it perfectly well.
Don't believe anyone who says that dogs and cats have bad memories. Quite the contrary! Cats, for example, remember grievances very well, and especially the vindictive ones among them will not miss an opportunity to repay in their own way. But also dogs remember everything! And if your dog jumps joyfully around you a day after the unjust punishment, it does not mean that he has forgotten. It means that he forgave.
Good girl Rex was no exception. He learned his lesson from his puppyhood. At this age, dogs check all the objects in the house for the possibility of biting, chewing, or even better, eating. The laundry detergent was difficult to bite. But to check its edible dogs are not lazy.
Continuation in the next part 8.