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In the wildlife park

Buteo, a genus of the eagle, the average predator. Eating forest rodents, food for them is very large. In addition to rodents, they also eat animal feed such as frogs, lizards, snakes, hares, birds, and large insects, and sometimes go to the village to hunt chickens and other birds. Distributed in Eurasia and North Africa. Part of the common scorpion migrates, and some birds remain. The populations that breed in the Xin'an mountains and in the northern regions are summer migratory birds, and some of the summer migratory birds in the Changbai Mountain region of Jilin Province are some of the birds, while in Liaoning, Hebei and the south, some are winter migratory birds and some migratory birds.

Garrulax Chinensis, a genus of the genus. Birds are common in the tropical mountains of South and Southwest China, feeding on insects, plant berries, and some seeds. Hello in the secondary forest, bamboo blocks, shrubs. The tweet sound is clear and clear, rounded and sweet, and its sound is like "drip, drip -". The noise from the black throat is loud and pleasant, usually known as a "mountain bird", often used as a nesting bird.

On the Internet, there is a classification of this as a blackbird, but also as a scorpion, but the big coffee of the bird "Tiger Brother" is identified as the noise department.

Ostrich (AsianPiedStarling) - Ostrich Ostrich family. Distributed in Eurasia, Africa, and North America. In China, there are 10 species found in the northeast, northwest, southwest, southern China, eastern China, Taiwan, and the Hainan provinces. Ostrich is a natural enemy of pests. He can catch many pests. A pair of gray ostriches that feed the chicks catch 400 grams of pests every day. Many countries hang artificially made nest boxes on trees so that ostriches can calm down. To help people eliminate pests. Ostriches are also “mouth actors”, they can not only learn the sounds of other birds but also imitate the sounds of frogs, ponies, car beeps and even people.

The shackles of the bird are hidden in feathers and they are not visible. However, according to several specialties, it is initially identified as a noisy rhino.

Phoenicopteridae, alias flamingo, red carp. 3 genera and 6 species, namely: red genus, red genus, Andes. Dahongyu spreads along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, from east to northwest India, south to Africa and also to the West Indies, a small red dragonfly distributed in eastern Africa, the Persian Gulf and northwest India, the Caribbean red dragonfly, Chilean red dragonfly, Andean red dragonfly And the distribution of Peruvian red dragonfly is limited to South America.

The flamingo in this picture is small and should not be a big red dragonfly. It seems likely that it is: Phoenicoparrus andinus: also known as an Andean flamingo. Or the Caribbean red dragonfly (Phoenicopterus ruber) also known as the American flamingo.

Flamingos live in the waters of warm tropical salt lakes, shallows and feed on small shrimps, crickets, insects, and algae. When you eat, lower your head down, turn your mouth upside down, pour food into your mouth, drain excess water and unsalted dirt, then swallow it slowly. Sexuality, hi group, often just a van group. The mud turns into a high pier for the nest, and the nest is in the water, about 0.5 meters high.

Hornbill (Ceratogymna bucinator), hornbill. This is a strong forest kalao. In the mouth there is a long and curved helmet, the feather on the body resembles a Chinese rhinoceros bird, mostly black, and the abdomen, feathers of the legs, tip of feathers and tip of tail are white.

Great Swan (Cygnus cygnus), migratory bird. The goose shape of a swan. There are 7 species of Swan. All continents are common except Africa and Antarctica. In China, there are three species, namely: a large swan, a small swan and a mute swan.

Swan is a Chinese national secondary protected animal. Widespread in Asia, winter spreads in the Yangtze River Valley and nearby lakes in China, spring moves to northern China, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and then to Heilongjiang, Mongolia and Siberia.

White pelicans are long-distance migratory birds that winter in tropical regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa, or the Indian subcontinent. White pelicans are carnivorous and have a wide range of eating habits, including insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, and small birds.
