Affect is a relatively short, intense and violent emotional experience. Rage, horror, anger. Depending on the content, the concept of effect can vary considerably. The effect is a mental function. Affect in criminal law. Physiology of effect. The onset of effect is accompanied by changes in autonomic reactions, changes in pulse and respiration, spasm in peripheral blood vessels, the appearance of cold sweat, and dramatic changes in the voluntary motor sphere (inhibition, arousal, or overstimulation). The strong effect usually disrupts the normal course of higher mental processes - perception and thinking, sometimes causing a narrowing or blurring of consciousness. Affect as a mental function. Affect is one of the psychic functions. Emotional, subjective assessment for a given individual, systematized as a result of information thinking. Affect can be reduced, negative, negative, or elevated. If the decline in effect is not adequate for the situation, it is called depression. The effects can be adequate and inadequate. The mood is a subjective reflection of affect.
Affects: The asthenic is rapidly dwindling. It is accompanied by a depressed mood. The decrease in mental activity. Feelings and vitality of life. Excitatory - wall-mounted. Demonstrative pedagogical, effective explosion. Stagnant - a state of increasing emotional tension and anxiety, not receiving a normal discharge. Pathological short-term mental disorder is the result of psychological trauma. Physiological - a pronounced affect. It is accompanied by confusion. Affect in criminal law. The problem of effect in criminal law has attracted the attention of many criminalist scholars. Some aspects of it were considered by Zagorodnikov, Borodin, Lyapunov, and Tkachenko. They remain controversial and require scientific development. The works of these scientists contain scientifically substantiated and practically useful conclusions.
Nevertheless, many aspects remain controversial and require further scientific development in light of new legislation. Attempts are being made to consider this topic - T. G. Shavgulidze, I. P. Portnov, M. I. Dubinina, V. V. Sidorov. However, despite the positive role of these studies, many of the opinions expressed in them require additional analysis. Some theoretical provisions are controversial. More in-depth reasoning from the standpoint of modern psychology and the new Criminal Code. Affect is a very strong emotional excitement, expressed in a short-term but violent mental reaction. During effect, a person"s consciousness and ability to think rationally are sharply reduced. And the ability to control one"s actions becomes more complicated. Physiological effect. Strong emotional experience, not accompanied by a loss of self-control. If the fact of committing a crime in a state of physiological effect is proven, criminal responsibility occurs. These crimes are recognized as less dangerous Physiological effect is a condition that does not go beyond a person"s normal state. They are characterized by sudden onset, high strength, and short-term duration, and are studied in the framework of psychology. Simple, normal affect is different from the pathological effect.
Diagnosis and investigation of physiological effects are the responsibility of forensic and psychological expertise. A situation of violence or insult. If this situation is real. If the crime is committed. If there is a composition of a crime with its elements: the subject, the subjective side, the object of the objective side, the object, the object, then the criminal responsibility comes. The penalty for insult is fine in the amount of salary. The period of payment of the fine is 2 months. Punishment for rape - imprisonment. The offender may have a physiological pathological effect. If the psychological medical examination proves that the individual has a pathological effect, the person who committed the crime is considered insane.
The person is subject to coercive medical measures. The victim of the crime was in a psychologically traumatic situation that arose with the perpetrator"s systematic unlawful behavior. The decision to release criminal liability may be written if the parties have reconciled. The state of effect is taken into account in the construction of compositions with mitigating circumstances, is included in the content of the circumstance mitigating the punishment. In Sociology, the culture of affect is the sum of the norms that determine the form of expression of emotional experience. List of literature Judicial pathology. "Questions of definition, norms, and deviations". Big explanatory psychological dictionary Reber Arthur. Volume 1 (AO ). Psychological Dictionary edited by V. V. Davydov.