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World of cinema

Briefly about making a movie: an insider's view

We all love to watch quality movies, which cause a storm of various emotions. Cinema excites, admires its dynamics and unpredictability of the storyline. Home viewing of the film in hd1080 quality allows you to easily move to where the action of the film takes place. Filmmakers often ask themselves: "How interesting it is to create such a movie! I wish I could make something like that. In this article, we will talk briefly about the creation of a film, from the development of an idea to the release of finished products.

So, let's talk about everything in order! The creation of any film is divided into three stages, or rather into periods:

  • preparatory;
  • filming;
  • editing and toning period.

Let's consider each stage separately and in more detail.

Preparatory period of creation of cinema

It's the beginning of the movie. To create a movie you need a script. It is the starting point for further work. Most often, the script is sought or negotiations with the writer about the screen version of his book are in progress. As a rule, the author receives a fee at this stage, but sometimes the payment occurs after the film is released on the screen.

After the issue with the script has been resolved, it is time to take care of the financing of the project. For this purpose, a synopsis is made. This is a document that summarizes the idea of the film in a concise form, no more than 1-2 A4 pages. And to understand what budget is required for the film, it is necessary to make an estimate. This is a financial document, which contains all the expenses for film production. The estimate is made by the person responsible for the distribution of the budget - the producer.

To implement this plan it is important to select a team of like-minded people in the person of the film crew. There is a standard list of professions that form a film crew. Here are the main professions: screenwriter, actor, producer, director, production operator, and sound engineer. In the course of making a film, the staff can expand, and you need to be ready for it.


While organizational issues are being resolved, the director works with the script, translating the usual literary text into clearly painted scenes. This is how another important document is born - the director's script. It includes a detailed plan of shooting, on the basis of which the creative team implements the author's idea of the writer on the screen.

As soon as there is a ready-made director's script, it is determined how many days will be filmed, where the shooting will be done, what costumes, equipment and props will be needed for the work. Equipment for the cinema is very expensive. Therefore, it is often taken on lease, which saves a lot of money.

Film production period

When the shooting preparation is complete, the basic work for which the group has assembled begins. This process is called the shooting period.

This phase is used to shoot based on the director's script. The group shoots all the scenes and records audio recordings.


Montage and toning period

Having filmed all the necessary material, the film is collected in pieces by the main members of the creative team and specialists from the sound and assembly workshops. The period is considered to be the least expensive because all the work takes place in the editing room. Here the director-director examines the frame by frame and chooses the best material.

Having collected the final video footage of a future film, the director starts the process called sounding. Here begins work with the soundtrack, the final version of which is collected by the sound engineer. At his disposal are the phonograms. A draft soundtrack is recorded during filming and includes dialogues of actors, natural sounds of the city or nature, and, of course, sounds from special effects (for example, explosions or shooting). It is often necessary to rephrase many parts of the film.


As you can see, it's not enough to make a good movie. It still needs to be sold. And it is impossible to do this without prior advertising. Therefore, a good producer at the stage of filming begins an aggressive advertising campaign to promote it to the market. Press conferences are held, where he presents the project in front of large media, printed booklets, posters are posted. Contribute to the success of the picture can participate in the film festival. And if at the stage of preparation it was possible to conclude an agreement with a large chain of cinemas for the right to first show, it shows the professionalism of the producer.

We spoke very briefly about the creation of the film, its main stages. Undoubtedly, the history of film production in one or another masterpiece differs from the described naked scheme. In reality, the birth of a film is accompanied by interesting details, unexpected decisions, and humor.