German Shepherd is a wonderful breed of dog. However, without detracting from the merits of this beautiful breed and not wanting to spend your time reading hymns, I want, first of all, to talk about some of the difficulties and the specific character of these dogs. It is widely believed that a shepherd is a versatile dog capable of training according to any norm and use in any circumstances. This requires some clarification. Sheepdog as a breed, it is certainly a versatile dog suitable for a variety of training. But a particular dog of a shepherd breed may not be as versatile as it seems to the owner.
It must be recognized that shepherd dogs as well as other breeds can have behavioral problems that make it very difficult not only to train, but simply to live together with such a dog.
Among adequate dogs there is also a behavioral diversity, predetermined by genetics, which is expressed in the abilities and inclinations for different types of training.
Fatures of the content, education and training of a particular shepherd form its individual type of character and behavior style, which reduce its versatility and this is completely natural. In fact, the requirements for a guide dog for a blind and a guard dog are different, therefore, training according to some standards makes the dog such requirements that form the character of the dog so that it becomes difficult to use it for another purpose.
Individuality is always an emphasis on some of the common attributes common to all. This rule applies both to the individuality of a particular dog and to the individuality of a particular breed. Thus, the characteristics of the behavior and training of the shepherd are an emphasis on some features of species-typical behavior. What are these features?
Sensitivity to social deprivation.
There is such a thing as isolated cultivation or in another way, social deprivation. This is when puppies or cubs of another species are kept in the same boring conditions, in the absence of various stimuli and outside the environment in which an adult dog will live. Not all individuals have the same effect. For some, this goes without visible consequences, for some it has catastrophic consequences. The behavior is disturbed to such a degree that it interferes not only with the use of the dog, but also makes it anxious and tense. The dog herself is tormented and the owner is tormented, because he did not dream of such a dog, and it is not customary for us to give an unsuccessful dog. The peculiarity of the shepherd is that for her it is a pain point. Isolated German Shepherd breeding is more likely to lead to behavioral disturbances than isolated Caucasian Shepherd or Rottweiler rearing. Although a particular shepherd can be very stable in this sense. I took to the city for training a shepherd dog raised in the country until two years old, and this dog behaved in the city like a fish in water. But overall, this is a weak spot in German shepherds. Therefore, it is not uncommon for people to take a small puppy of a shepherd dog in the summer to the country, and then, having arrived in the city in the fall, find that he is behaving inappropriately. The shepherd must be familiar with the different circumstances and conditions in puppyhood. If your puppy of a shepherd dog lives in a country house, it is very important to provide him with walks not only in his yard or in the field, but also in conditions close to urban, even if you do not plan to keep him in the apartment.
The shepherd is prone to vocalize her emotions.
The behavior of a shepherd dog when going out for a walk very often has its own specifics inconvenient for the owner and especially his neighbors. Many dogs are wildly happy about the opportunity to go for a walk, but not all of them whine, howl and bark when they leave the apartment and the entrance, like a shepherd. This is not to say that this behavior is not found in other breeds, but for shepherds it is very characteristic. Often, shepherds get used to demanding attention, communication, play from the owner and force him to this demanding bark. With all sorts of veterinary procedures and restrictions on their freedom, they often scream as if they were being killed. The rapid exit of your shepherd for a walk can frighten the neighbors, and if someone at the porch shies away from the dog, it can cause and consolidate her aggression towards people in this situation.
Therefore, it is necessary from childhood to teach a shepherd to go out for a walk quietly and calmly. How you will do it according to the recipes of the new cynology with reconciliation signals, through operant reinforcement of desired behavior or simply traditionally punishing incorrect behavior, this is a different question, but it is absolutely necessary to pay attention to this. to be continued in the next part