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Features of dog behavior that make training difficult.Part 1

Dog training is not always fast, easy and interesting. Sometimes there are difficulties and slippage. There is a feeling that the dog is either stupid, or too smart, or mocks, or does not want to obey, or does not want to work, or an aristocrat, or an officer, and not an ordinary, or does not understand the meaning of the task, but she needs it. Many versions and metaphors come up with people, faced with the fact that dog training is not glued. It is useful to understand why this is happening.

  • Prevailing indicative reaction
  • High anxiety and uncertainty
  • Aggressive towards trainer
  • The desire to avoid touch and restriction of freedom
  • Emotionality
  • Strong excitability and imbalance
  • Very strong motivation
  • Lethargy and lack of motivation
  • Undesirable Congenital Trends
  • Health problems

Prevailing indicative reaction

Once in a new situation, the dog, like a person, will spend some time getting to know the situation. Although this behavior is perfectly normal and natural, it nevertheless breaks the dog’s contact with the person. The intensity of the orienting reflex depends on the individual characteristics of the dog. Usually, after the dog has mastered and gets used to it, the indicative reactions gradually weaken and the learning ability is restored. An indicative reaction as a manifestation of curiosity, as a rule, passes quickly enough, but when it stems from self-doubt, things are much worse. A constantly wary animal can learn little, because for him conditioned reflexes, not related to avoiding danger and survival, are not relevant and are developed with difficulty.

High anxiety and uncertainty

The need for security is a very serious factor that affects learning and manageability. A dog can be afraid of people, other dogs, intense saturated atmosphere, and just everything new and unfamiliar. It is worth the anxiety to reach a certain level and automatic reactions aimed at survival will appear regardless of the learned behavior. Fear can inhibit any activity of the dog and nullify the training. As a result, even if the dog knows the team, frightened, it becomes naughty and stubborn. This feature of behavior can depend on both heredity and growing conditions. In any case, it is very important not to keep the puppy in isolation from the situation in which he will have to live and work. If the puppy lives in the country in the summer, if possible you need to introduce him to the city conditions. For example, take for a walk to some urban-type village. If possible, it is useful to carry the puppy to the dog show and just spend time there. To show him there or not to show it already for an amateur, but hanging out at an exhibition for a puppy is certainly useful. It is important to note that, of course, all vaccinations that are prescribed at his age must be given to the puppy. And secondly, you can’t drag the puppy into such an intense situation, where he will start to panic and then, frightened by what he has done, urgently remove him to a safe place. In this case, the puppy will forever remember that he remained alive and unhurt due to the fact that he left a terrible place. It is necessary to increase the intensity of the medium (load) gradually, giving time for adaptation and getting used to.

Aggressive towards trainer

The physical effects of the trainer can be regarded by the dog as a demonstration of superiority on his part. If the dog considers this inappropriate, aggression may be its reaction. Sometimes a dog and a man coexist absolutely peacefully and without conflict until there is a reason to find out who is the boss in the house. And such a reason may be the situation when the trainer offers the dog to do what she does not want. Of course, for most dogs this topic is not relevant, but there are such dogs.

The desire to avoid touch and restriction of freedom

Obedient adult dogs are almost never trained without direct exposure. The dog is pushed with his hands, pulled by a leash, fixed in a certain position, thereby limiting the degree of freedom. As a rule, the dog does not like this, which can manifest itself, although not necessarily, through stiffness (tension), active avoidance (avoidance), panic, aggressive resistance or the offer of social contact in the form of a game, affection, etc. However, the severity of such reactions and their resistance are not the same in different dogs. It is usually possible to construct a training scheme in such a way that it is possible to minimize unwanted behavior, to extinguish it, and vice versa to increase correctly directed susceptibility to the influences used. If this does not happen, training in classical ways is difficult, although other training options remain.

to be continued in the next part