Drops by droplets drop by drop for seconds. Silence in the air of my room. Dozens of years are left behind, and the transparency of the Present is an illusion of all these years. It's amazing that I haven't aged a bit in all these years, but my body has changed inexorably, but now I don't care. The truth shows itself through the walls of my house. How transparent the air in my room is. Such a transparent world and beyond. The silent measurements are moving away from the center of my attention. Silent, subtle worlds have separated themselves from the world where my body lives. They have fenced off an invisible facet. There is more than one sound that cannot break through this fine line, and even if it did, it would inevitably collapse, so the harmony that reigns in these spaces does not need the sounds of my world. I look into these worlds and the higher my mind's eye goes, the finer the beauty of the worlds. There, civilizations and universes disappear, and in the higher layers of their play they become meaningless. But the essence is the perfect intensity of life. The difference in energy dissolves. And visible relativity of their existence. The world of my body, the material world, like a factory, a forge shop that works day and night. It is filled with noise and energy of constant work, forging experience. It produces feelings and emotions, qualities of consciousness that are then cleared of limescale and slags in the transition to a higher dimension. And there, purified, they merge with me and are transmitted to the whole universe. Dimensions are connected between themselves by a single spirit and there are no boundaries between them. As in the ocean — each form can live only at its own depth, in its own layer and the higher the layer, the more elegant and light-bearing life is, the more intense the movement in it is. Each layer absorbs and returns upward the vitality and supports a higher dimension. But unlike the animal world of the ocean, with each higher level of the universe, the saturation of forms and diversity dries up. But at the same time it becomes more exciting expression of light and purity. Shapes and designs only obscured this expressiveness. They absorbed it into themselves. The infinity of the divine does not need expression, it does not need manifestation, so it immediately begins to distort it as Truth. It is so impeccable in itself and perfect that words are a distortion of its real nature. In these vast expanses, the differences disappear. In them I see myself as real, I see my soul. My soul lives in all worlds and includes all the infinite harmony of beauty and love, and the knowledge of Myself. Its essence shines when it manages to transfer the word from its world, from its Knowledge to my material world. There, all souls are One Soul — the Real Soul. The light of purity sacrifices itself to create form. Dali... They say that they are actually my homeland. They show how I was born in their vastness. Like being pure light, I put on more and more layers and each new layer was like a shell that bound my freedom. But only my interest in adventure made me put them on As I descended, new opportunities and perspectives were unfolding before me, and I was separating more and more of my attention to researching them. My consciousness is immersed in many worlds, clothed with appropriate forms of these worlds. And a part of my attention became this body. I have never lost myself. This is just not possible. And in my interest, there was no end in sight, no desire. It was a movement in itself, to be much more than I know of myself. An experience in now. Worlds and dimensions are in here. They are always in me, they never shut themselves off from my eyes. They can only be seen with the consciousness. I know that at any moment I can return to the beginning of myself and I can decide that. All worlds and dimensions love me so deeply and tenderly. So happy with me, with what I am!
And there can be no other way, because these worlds are Me. And I can't help but love those beautiful eyes that read these lines, the beautiful Heart that listens with the echo of their feelings to Me. Because I live in the destiny of everyone. Because our I am One. The truth is not covered. Ignorance is an illusion. Openness and trust, opens the eyes of consciousness and dissolves the darkness of oblivion. They bring back to a man his perfect light, and to his infinity. He becomes a living God here. I am sitting in this body, inside the silence of this room, and my consciousness fills everything that there is, I sound with love in You.