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Family and children

Baby 4 months old


From 4 months of age, you can start replacing the daily feeding with bottles. Baby develops his taste palette at the same time as he becomes aware of his body.


Growth, awakening, and development of the 4-month-old baby

At 4 months of age, the baby weighs about 6 kilos and measures almost 60 centimeters. His head circumference is about 41 centimeters.

Your child is 4 months old, he is waking up more and more and are engraved in your mind the first times your baby is born. He's made a lot of progress since last month! He can maintain himself in a sitting position with the help of a slight support and can also turn around when he is in a lying position. This exercise allows him to develop his muscles and see his environment from a different angle. He lifts his head and shoulders by leaning on his hands. He grabs the objects that are handed to him and puts them in his mouth. He also knows how to turn from the stomach on his back, and positions himself on his side. Encourage him! Feel free to shake a toy on the side to which it usually turns. Also, offer books that will help him awaken by attracting his attention.

Language is also at the heart of its development. At 4 months, the baby obviously doesn't speak yet but articulates his first sounds. As for his vision, the baby observes more carefully than before and looks at his hands at great length, which he puts in his mouth. He laughs brightly and his sleep sets in place.

A baby will begin to develop the ability to make vocal sounds, it is between the fourth and sixth month that the child will go from his first destiny to his first word. Continue to talk to him and react when he speaks. Your child will try to repeat some of the sounds you say.


Feeding the 4-month-old baby

The time for great changes has come! The 4th month of baby's life is often synonymous with a return to work for mothers, and therefore the beginning of weaning for a breastfed baby. Feel free to space your feedings and gradually replace them with bottles.

The food diversification of the 4-month-old baby is done gradually and with the agreement of your pediatrician. You can start with a transitional diet, for example by mixing infant flour and 2nd age milk porridges or "follow-on milk." In a second step, you can offer him cooking broths in milk, and small purées or vegetable powders.

Feeding your 4-month-old baby. During meals, your baby's attention is more focused on the individuals and objects around her.

If you decide to continue to feed your baby with milk and wait a little while before diversifying your diet, don't hesitate to review your baby's milk and make sure that the milk you give is in tune with your baby's needs.

The health of the 4-month-old baby

During the fourth month visit, the pediatrician or general practitioner continues to ensure your child's healthy development. He gives you advice on his diet and in particular on food diversification.

During this visit, your baby receives the third and final injection of vaccines:

- DT Polio, which will protect him from diphtheria, tetanus, and poliomyelitis;

- whooping cough (at the same time as DT Polio);

- Hemophilia influenza b which will protect it against certain meningitis, laryngitis, pneumonia.

The objective: to protect it against pneumonia, meningitis, and laryngitis. If you have any questions about vaccines, do not hesitate to discuss them with your pediatrician who can review the baby's vacancy schedule. If no ultrasound has been done so far, an X-ray to control congenital hip dislocation (CHL) may be warranted.

Your pediatrician may advise you to start diversifying your baby's diet at 4 months. Be aware that the recommendations in the health record speak more of an introduction of solids from 5 months of age. Some mothers even wait for 6 months. In short, you have time! Don't rush baby who might turn up. And above all, don't deprive him of his milk needs, which remain very real.