What is music? Books, treatises, and encyclopedias have been written on the subject. But sometimes thoughts can be expressed in a page, in a sentence, in a word.
In this article, the reader will find a hundred answers (and even more) in a short and aphoristic form about what music is. From musicians to musicologists, from philosophers to poets everyone shows us his particular vision of music. Phrases, quotes, and aphorisms about art.
Phrases, quotations, and aphorisms about music:
- True music, which can make you laugh and suddenly helps you cry ... (Paolo Conte)
- Music has great power: it takes you back the moment it takes you forward so that you feel nostalgia and hope at the same time (Nick Hornby)
- What cannot be said and what cannot be silenced, music expresses it (Victor Hugo)
- Music helps you not to feel the outside silence (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- A man cannot be intoxicated with a novel or a painting, but he can get drunk on the Ninth of Beethoven, the Sonata for two pianos and percussion by Bartók or a song by the Beatles (Milan Kundera)
- Music is based on harmony between Heaven and Earth, it is the coincidence between disorder and clarity (Hermann Hesse)
- Music is the chalice that contains the wine of silence (Robert Fripp)
- What music appeals to us is difficult to know; it is certain, however, that it touches an area so profound that madness itself cannot penetrate it (E.M Cioran)
- Why hang out with Plato, when even a saxophone can make us see another world (E.M Cioran)
- I have my pains, loves, particular pleasures; and you have yours. But pain, joy, desire, hope, love belong to us all, in every time and every place. Music is the only means by which we feel these emotions in their universality (HA Overstreet)
- -What do you look for in music? I'm looking for regrets and tears (Pascal Quignard)
- Music is a machine that some use to enter another world, others to dance, others to find peace and others to feel what their wounds taste like (Fabrizio Caramagna)
- Sometimes in the music, you find the answers you are looking for, almost without looking for them. And even if you don't find them, at least find the same feelings you are feeling. Someone else tried them. You don't feel lonely. Sadness, loneliness, anger (Alessandro D’Avenia)
- The passion for music is already a confession alone. We know more about an unknown music fan than someone insensitive to music and we meet every day (EM Cioran)
- Music is a machine to suppress time (Claude Lévi-Strauss)
- Music can turn a cathedral into a devastated soul (Vasile Ghica)
- Music can name the unmentionable and communicate the unknowable (Leonard Bernstein)
- The more one knows music, the less one can say something valid (Patrick Süskind)
- Music is among the most mysterious gifts with which human beings are endowed (Darwin Charles)
- Music is the language of the spirit. Its secret current vibrates between the heart of the one who sings and the soul of the one who listens (Kahlil Gibran)
- There are so untranslatable feelings that it takes music to express them (André Esparcieux)
- The painter paints on canvas. The musicians instead paint their pictures on silence (Leopold Stokowski)
- Each of us has an inner musical accompaniment. And if others listen to it well, it's called personality (Gilbert Cesbron)
- Music makes comprehension pure; it inspires her and lifts her into a realm that she would not have achieved had she been left alone with herself (Henry Ward Beecher)
- Music: you taught us to see with your ear and to hear with your heart (Kahlil Gibran)
- When the music starts, there is nothing else, forget the world and its worries and let yourself be swept away by the whirlwind of notes that rises into the sky (Cécile Ludwig)
- Music, the best religion in the world where there are no threats or promises (Minou Drouet)
- Whoever listens to music, spells his solitude enchanted (Robert Browning)
- Music: a pump to inflate the soul (Milan Kundera)
- Music is what sounds like life (Eric Olson)
- Music is the shorthand of emotion (Lev Tolstoy)
- The music fuses all the individual parts of our body (Anaïs Nin)