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Ways to combat cellulite


Most women have experienced the appearance of cellulite on their hips and buttocks. Someone was lucky to get rid of the orange peel, and someone has not yet found an effective solution to this aesthetic problem. What are the effective ways to combat cellulite? Let's consider each of them.

Honey massage

One of the available body parts for self-massage is the hips and buttocks. Honey is an excellent adjuvant that has been proven effective in the fight against cellulite. It is quickly absorbed into the skin and includes the metabolic process. The only thing is that it is a strong allergen, make sure there are no contraindications, and after that feel free to start a massage session.

Massage should be carried out on cleansed skin without hair. Be sure to take a shower before the session and do a peeling. Immediately before the anti-cellulite massage, you need to warm up the skin. To do this, you can use a brush with natural bristles or make a few light massage movements with your hands.

Apply liquid honey to the prepared skin and evenly distribute it. If the honey is sugared, then melt it in the microwave or in a water bath. Start the massage with light movements - patting on the thigh with your fingertips, devote two to three minutes to this movement. Then again, make a few stroking movements and proceed to the main face of the massage. Press the palms of the hands tightly on the skin for 2-3 seconds, the honey should stick to the palms, and with sharp movements pull the skin away. After the hips and palms begin to appear something like white pellets, the massage must be completed. Rinse off the honey and apply anti-cellulite cream on the problem area.


The wrap stimulates lymphatic drainage and blood circulation in stagnant zones. Many women choose this type of struggle with orange peel due to the significantly accelerated metabolic processes. The secret to effective body wraps comes down to the right choice of cosmetics. The best results are shown on the basis of algae, citrus, and honey. How to properly wrap yourself, read here: how to do the home anti-cellulite wrap.


We will not talk about the benefits of water for the human body, you already know that you need to drink 1, 5-2 liters of clean water daily. We will only say that water improves lymph flow, helps to eliminate toxins from the body and improves skin condition. Drinking water is the easiest way to fight cellulite. Drinks that promote dehydration, such as coffee, only exacerbate the course of cellulite.


Cellulite scrubs do not save but make the skin soft and velvety. Dead cells, grouped in one place, make cellulite more noticeable, and on smooth skin it does not attract attention so much. The effectiveness of cosmetic anti-cellulite products is higher if the skin is cleansed of dead cells because there are no barriers to the delivery of active ingredients that break down subcutaneous fat.

 Anti-cellulite products

Cosmetics are effective only in the first and second stages of cellulite. In severely neglected cases, one should resort to more radical methods. Apply the cream daily and preferably twice a day (morning and evening). Choose products with the following active ingredients: algae extracts, caffeine, citrus extracts, grape seed oil, ginger, jojoba, fucus extract, horsetail, ivy, green tea. These components stimulate the breakdown of fat and increase blood circulation.

Ways to combat cellulite in a beauty salon

 LPG massage

The popularity of vacuum lymphatic drainage massage is justified, it effectively fights against subcutaneous fat and leaves no chance for cellulite to live. On average, ten massage sessions are required for the cellulite to go away, and it became possible to wear short shorts and skirts without hesitation.

 Ultrasonic Lipolysis

A justifiably expensive method of dealing with orange peel, but the effect is like from liposuction. The effect on fat occurs by ultrasonic waves, resulting in the effect of cavitation (an increase in the size of air bubbles). When the bubbles explode, this leads to the death of fat cells that are excreted by the lymph.


The essence of the procedure is the impact of pulsed current on the muscles of the body. This is a “lazy” way to increase muscle tone, improve lymph and blood circulation. During one session, about 2,000 calories are burned, which replaces about two hours of sports.

Sport as a way to combat cellulite

If a trip to a beauty salon is not affordable, and cellulite on the hips and buttocks does not think to leave, then physical exercises can not be dispensed with. Ideally, enroll in a gym or at least perform a series of exercises at home.


Start with 40 squats in three sets, then increase the load. If this exercise is done every day, then after a week, squats will be easy to give. In this case, pick up a dumbbell or something heavy to increase the load on your legs.

 Jump rope

It’s quite difficult to jump rope at home, so you have to go outside and take advantage of the nearest sports ground. Only 15 minutes a day and the result will not belong in coming. Alternate the methods of jumping and along with cellulite, extra pounds will go away, legs will be pumped up, and the butt will tighten.


Walk often and a lot, forget about the elevator, use the stairs. Physical activity maintains muscle tone and has a lifting effect.