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Many skeptics believe that all these "visions" are due to very prosaic reasons.
In the medical literature there are references to the fact that in the case when the brain lacks oxygen, people often see hallucinations.
However, Dr. Parnia's" postmortem experiments " did not confirm this assumption.
Some of the colleagues even agreed to experience oxygen starvation, but later had no memories of it.
Skeptics who do not believe in the possibility of life after death, pay attention to the fact that in stressful moments when the consciousness leaves or returns, a person is visited by some visions.
But studies have shown that when the brain is injured, patients do not remember events until they lose consciousness and immediately after they return.
Memory loss ranges from a few hours to a few days.
Dr. Parnia advises: "Talk to people involved in a traffic accident, and they admit: "I Remember a car rushing right at me, and then I woke up in the hospital."
Parnia and his colleagues examined about 3,500 patients who experienced cardiac arrest.
Many of them had clear memories of that time.
However, it was difficult to persuade the subjects to share their experiences, as these people were afraid that they would be taken for crazy.
Once Parnia was contacted by the parents of a three-year-old boy who had suffered a clinical death due to cardiac arrest .
When the baby was discharged from the hospital, he always drew the same picture - himself lying in a hospital bed, and a flying balloon. When asked to explain what the drawing meant, the boy said, "when you die, you see a bright light and you go up in the air like a balloon." After six months, the child continued to depict the same picture.
Until now, biologists and physicians have not fully understood how the brain works and what is thought. The brain must be like television, converting electromagnetic waves into image and sound.
From the fact that when the brain is injured, certain aspects of the mind cease to function, it does not follow that the mind is a derivative of the brain.
It just means the machine is damaged. That was Dr. Parnia's conclusion.
American researchers who spoke at a conference in California pointed out that people who have been beyond life did not feel the desire to return. "I felt an intense pain in my chest and suddenly climbed to the ceiling of the room, I was comfortable and beautiful. Looking down, I realized I could see my body lying on the bed. I was overcome by a feeling of bliss and happiness, I did not feel the desire to go back", - these are the words of one of the patients who survived clinical death.
It is interesting to note that in those cases when the consciousness separates from the body and watches it from the side, no one says, "I felt that the soul left me."
The participants of the conference set a task for the future to determine what constitutes consciousness or soul.
It is clear that such a statement of the question, as well as "posthumous experiments", does not approve of the Church.
However, the results of the work are so promising that enthusiastic participants of the conference at the California Institute of technology established an international Fund to sponsor further research.
The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
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