Not only the shape of the bush and leaves, but also - what is most interesting - the shape and color of the fruits vary greatly from grade to grade in peppers intended for home use. In this variety, eyes are scattered, and almost everyone wants to plant a whole plantation of bitter pepper at home: lemon, red, purple and even pods that change color as they mature, will become an extraordinary decoration of the interior. In my opinion, fruit beads look especially interesting, by which you can’t tell right away what kind of species they belong to.
There is only one point that you should pay attention to when buying - some varieties are not edible. Therefore, if you plan to use your own grown pods as a seasoning, immediately put aside bags with the word "decorative".
Seed Potatoes
The seeds of indoor hot pepper are no different from those that we can see in Bulgarian - except that the size is smaller. Nature did not deprive them of their germination, it tends to 100%, especially if the seed is of high quality. I planted the seeds of indoor pepper in universal soil for seedlings, not forgetting the drainage of fine expanded clay, and they sprouted beautifully after a few days.
Since the plants will be kept warm and comfortable, I don’t see a fundamental difference in the month of sowing - the results were successful at any time of the year. On the other hand, if you want to get the first crop of pepper on the windowsill as quickly as possible, then you can’t deceive nature: February and the spring months are the best time to plant.
At the stage of two or three real leaves, seedlings can be easily dived: the root system by this time is already well developed, and the further development of several plants in one bowl will lead to tangling of the roots and additional injuries during transplantation.
Flowering and fruiting of indoor pepper
You won’t have to wait long for the first flower: after two months on the bushes you can see the first buds. Most likely, they will not be able to start due to the fact that the plant is not yet strong enough, but this means that you will see bright fruits very soon.
Pollination of decorative or hot indoor pepper is not required, the fruits are tied independently. By the middle of summer (with spring sowing) you can already admire the bright fruits and, of course, use them for culinary purposes.
Flowering in itself in any plant takes a lot of power, and fruiting is even more so. The root system quickly depletes the nutrient reserves in the earth. In order for pepper to develop at home as lush as possible and bloom profusely, it needs to be fed regularly.
Since I use pepper pods for their intended purpose, I did not want to resort to chemical additives. Therefore, instead of fertilizers, I used a banal transplant into fresh land. The signal for this was a pale color of the leaves. However, if you have a decorative variety, choosing a power source is not a problem at all.
In the winter months, despite a short daylight hours, indoor pepper is also capable of bearing fruit, albeit less lush. Dry air has a noticeable effect, and the crown of the bush may thinn. Alas, the leaves will not grow in the same place, and with the advent of the new season we can only hope that new branches will develop from these sinuses. Therefore, during the winter, it is advisable to place the plant away from the batteries. A nearby water vessel or a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay helps in the fight against dry air.
In addition to relatively simple care, indoor chilli is also interesting for its ability to lumber the trunk. The very next year, you can start forming the simplest form of bonsai from it - due to rapid growth, observing crown changes is doubly interesting.