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All very attractive and damn clever women


All very attractive and damn clever women just need to preserve what they have created for themselves through painstaking work - their beauty and health. After all, nothing is given just for nothing, let alone beauty. It is treacherous and requires more and more victims in the form of effort, time, labor and money investments.
So, far not only fitness, aerobics, and diet are the "creators" of beauty in a woman.
What else? These tips are for you, desperate beauties, tirelessly working on their appearance and taking care of their health in the name of peace on earth, which is designed to save your unfading beauty.
First of all, I want to remind you that all people live in harmony and unity with the universe, so to be always beautiful, you need to cherish and protect your health, to have positive thinking skills, inner harmony, directly related to the awareness of your place in life.

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Редактировать галереюhttps://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/10/09/05/38/girl-collects-flowers-1725176__340.jpg

The moment that you need to remember is the ability to properly emancipate yourself. What is this? I will try to explain. The fact is that people are mentally fixed by the standards of thinking imposed on us by television, people around us, even the rhythm of life itself, etc. Sometimes you feel yourself in a cage...
So, in order not to do that, it is necessary to be internally liberated, to break the standards and go beyond dogmas and stereotypes. There is one interesting and funny way to imagine that you are not a man, but an animal. Anything: a cat, a dog, a horse, etc. Having chosen your pet image, try to become one.
For 10-15 minutes, act like this animal: move around, make the sounds that are characteristic of it, imitate its behavior in different situations, using all your imagination. Doing this exercise for a few days will make you feel much freer.

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Редактировать галереюhttps://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/09/02/12/48/girl-918679__340.jpg

How does each person's day begin? That's right, from awakening. And once you open your eyes, what will you do? Will you get out of bed or decide to lie down longer? Well, the first thing you do is think about it. Every day, from the very morning we wake up thinking about something.
Very often, when we wake up, we think about what we haven't done yet, or that we are late for something. This inner dialogue is not positive, but destructive. But it is on our inner mood, on our thoughts that beauty and health depend. You must create for yourself a certain set of tonic and positive thoughts for you:
"I'm good, I'm loved," "I'm happy, and I meet all the difficulties with a smile. Smile as often as possible, especially in the morning in the mirror to yourself. If your pretty face will shine with a radiant smile, then you will not only raise the mood around you but also find courage and cheerfulness yourself.
Also, with the help of a smile, you can easily avoid various critical situations that so often spoil your mood for the whole day."

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Редактировать галереюhttps://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/01/09/18/32/girl-1130761__340.jpg

Stress. It is the eternal companion of life in megacities. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of stressful situations completely. Therefore, you need to learn how to manage your emotions so that no stressful situation could not hurt you because uncontrollable negative thoughts and emotions destroy your spiritual structure.
Self-control is not only external balance, but also a calm internal reaction to external stimuli. Of course, it is not a fact that, without showing negative emotions, you, thus, avoid their negative impact on the body. But you have to be able to transform negative energy into positive energy.
Look for the positive in everything. This is a panacea for all diseases and troubles in life.

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Редактировать галереюhttps://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/01/02/18/02/valentines-day-1947567__340.jpg

I want to remind you of Love, of this magical and most powerful spiritual power. All world religions are built on its principle. Love does not obey logic and reason, it is selfless. Everyone wants to be happy in their love for another person.
But to possess this priceless gift - the gift of happy love, one should follow two rules:
1. to see the partner as a free person, not an object of possession, not to perceive it as a property;
2. to reveal oneself to the beloved, only then will the dissolution of two beings in each other come.
In love, we are energetically closed to the partner, which should result in the creation of a third-person - your common child. To reach the highest stage of love - love for all living things in the universe, it is necessary to cultivate a feeling of love within oneself. Create vibrations of the energy of love in and around you.
People around you will start to feel you differently, they will feel pleasant, joyful and warm next to you. All your beauty is enclosed inside you, you only need to see it, open it and let it out.
So do not waste time, look, open up, be happy and stay very attractive and damn smart women!