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Needs are the most important factors for self-development. Together with the motives they form the basis of purposeful activity of a person, his activity and behavior, no matter what result they are aimed at achieving.


One of the most popular and widespread concepts explaining the necessity and motivation for self-development today is the concept of self-actualization. By self-actualization should be understood the constant realization of human potential as the implementation of vocation, the fullest possible knowledge and acceptance of their own nature, as a relentless pursuit of the unity of his personality.

The author of this concept is Abraham Maslow. He studied the phenomenon of self-actualization, studying in detail the life, values and features of outstanding and creative people who have reached an effective and optimal level of functioning compared to the others.

As a result, the scientist concluded that a person has a need for self-actualization. The truth it manifests itself only when the needs of a lower level are met (be sure to get acquainted with Maslow's pyramid of needs) - physiological needs, the need for safety, respect and some others. That's when the person begins to feel dissatisfied and want to be who they want and can (should) be. Self-actualization is a manifestation of a person's desire to live in harmony with himself, to realize his potential.

Note also that, according to Maslow, the need for self-actualization is characteristic of all people. And the fact that it serves as a source of self-development, most specialists agree today. Although there are scientists who point to other needs on which self-development and self-improvement is based.

For example, Doctor of Psychology Vladimir Maralov believes that, firstly, self-development can have different forms (self-actualization, self-improvement, self-affirmation), and secondly, each of them is based on its own needs. Candidate of Sociological Sciences Yulia Makerova says that the need for self-development is expressed in the readiness of a person to transform his or her life activity through the search (and search) for the maximum possible future state. It arises when the individual realizes his or her current state of development and establishes a zone of possible expansion of his or her potential, needs and benefits.

But let's not go into the maze of research, but try to generalize. From this perspective, self-development is based on different needs:

o The need for self-actualization and self-realization

o The need for public recognition

o The need for self-organization and the organization of one's life path

If we turn to the ideas of Herman Selevko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, this list can be supplemented:

o The need for self-determination

o The need for self-assertion

o Cognitive need

o Need for communication and group membership

o Security need

o Aesthetic needs

o Need for self-expression

Despite the diversity of needs that underlie self-development, the individual wishes to engage in it in order to improve themselves, continue to evolve and create. From here we can conclude about the challenges that self-development faces:

o Maintaining the constant evolutionary growth of the individual throughout his or her life course

o Ensuring competitiveness in society

o Maintaining a sufficient level of self-assessment

o Maintaining a level of self-importance

o Providing the person with the necessary tools for self-actualization

The needs of the highest levels (by the Maslow pyramid) are what distinguishes a human being from other living beings. And the need for self-development, together with aesthetic, cultural and spiritual needs, is an integral part of each of us. And if a person does not have these needs, it means that they are either not human or have serious problems with development at all.

As far as self-development is concerned, there is a difference between a person who is on the way to progress and those who are floating in the current. By doing it, we fulfill the mission of our lives - we evolve, once again prove to ourselves that we are not just biomass, but people. It allows us to go along with time, to be ready for innovation and change in the world around us.

And indifference to one's own development, standing still, stopping trying to become better than you were, puts a person in a very unenviable position. "Movement is life" is a statement that we all know. So development is a movement, and if we do not develop, we will just stop living. No, we will stay, but we will just exist, and what's the point of that?

We don't make loud statements, but whatever side we look at, self-development must always remain a priority. We hope you will agree with us. It is possible and necessary to develop in different directions. There are many ways to improve oneself.

The original of this article is published on wed site https://4brain.ru/blog/