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It is a well-known phenomenon in physics when magnetic poles change their positions. Just actively behave magnetic poles of our planet.
They are in continuous motion, moving around the geographical poles.
These planetary-scale phenomena affect the aquatic environment, atmosphere, and animal behavior.
Legends of ancient peoples who lived on different continents say about the terrible catastrophes that took place several thousand years ago. Based on these legends, some scientists argue that the "fiery death" will bring people not space asteroids that hit the earth's atmosphere, but it will come from the bowels of the planet itself.
Geophysicist Vitaly Simonov summarized these global disasters, making a rough list of such events.
The legends of Lapland claimed that the reason for the changes taking place in the earth's core was the concentration of human malice. Feeling it, the center of the earth shuddered with horror and did it so much that the upper layers of the earth's surface burst and people fell into the formed caves, where they died.
According to another legend, the celestial God Yumbel, realizing that people have gone beyond what is permitted in his anger, decided to lime humanity, turning the river back and brought down on the settlement wall rose a giant sea wave.
The earth repeatedly changed the axis of its rotation.
Historical findings are a good proof of this. In Egypt, a sundial suitable for operation at latitude 150 degrees away from the territory was found.
The information contained in the ancient astronomical tables shows that ancient Babylon was geographically located to the North than its ruins that have survived to the present day.
This discrepancy was discovered still living in the middle ages, the Arab scholar Arzachel.
Atmospheric disturbances caused by changes in the rotation of the planet described Plutarch.
He says that the sky was covered with a dense veil of air, and the stars have changed their location. Changing the trajectory of the Sun in the sky describes Herodotus, saying that it rose where it should set.
The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
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