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Burrs on the fingers: causes and methods of disposal


Are you worried about burrs on your fingers? Not sure how to quickly, safely, and painlessly remove the burr and avoid painful inflammation? We will tell you how to get rid of this problem correctly, preventing its recurrence with the help of simple preventive measures and folk remedies.

What is this burr

An agnail (agnail) is damage or tearing of the skin in the area of ​​the nail roll. Depending on the location of the damage, burrs on the fingers can occur at the base of the nail, on the sides, or in the middle. Most often, burrs appear on the side, since this area is most susceptible to various mechanical influences. The most common place for such damage to occur is the hands. Burrs are much less common on feet.

Such “scraps” of skin are a very unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous, phenomenon. They cling to clothes, cause pain, and if dirt gets in, they can lead to the appearance of a nail pancratium.

Causes of Burrs

The most common causes include:

 Presence of bad habits: tear off burrs, bite nails, bite cuticles or skin near the nail.

  Prolonged repeated contact of unprotected skin with various aggressive media: household chemicals, water, chemicals.

  Cold weathering and overdrying of the skin. Avoid this by using a moisturizer, wearing mittens or gloves.

  In the summer, the cause of the appearance of burrs on the legs may be walking barefoot, resulting in skin injury.

 Poor manicure or pedicure

The causes of burrs can be hidden in the internal problems of the body:

  • The lack of vitamins of groups A, B and E, and various trace elements.
  •  Diabetes.
  •  Improper diet, prolonged fasting or dieting.
  •  Diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  •  Dehydration.
  •  Dysbacteriosis

How to remove the burr

Many people care about the question: "How to get rid of burrs and prevent their reappearance?". If the problem arose on the road or on the road, use special forceps or sharp manicure scissors to remove the burr, using which the damaged area of ​​the skin is carefully cut. After removal, be sure to thoroughly treat the wound with an antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, iodine or brilliant green. If the wound is bleeding, cover this area with a band-aid to prevent the ingress of dirt.

Getting rid of the burr at home, it is best to pre-steam your hands in warm water to soften the skin for easier and painless removal. You can add a few drops of bergamot or lemon oil to the water - they will not only help to quickly soften the skin but also become an excellent nutrient.

After the bath, the burr must be carefully cut. The movements should be smooth, in no case should you try to tear or stretch it.


To prevent burrs on the hands from becoming a constant problem, it is enough to follow a few simple preventive measures;

Regularly take care of your hands: use moisturizers, wear mittens in the cold, use rubber gloves when in contact with chemicals. Avoid chapping and drying your hands.

  Quitting the habit of biting and biting nails.

  Follow the diet and consume at least 2 liters of water per day to avoid dehydration.

 A manicure against burrs will also be a good preventive measure - careful and thorough removal of the cuticle will give your hands health and beauty. As a prophylaxis, the most popular cut manicure, in which the skin of the cuticle is completely cut off.

  Watch for disinfection. Even a small untreated wound can turn into a big problem, so always treat the damaged areas with antiseptics.

Folk remedies will also be able to help in the fight:

Oil baths

For baths, you can use essential oils or add a few drops of sunflower oil to the water. Having diluted the oils in warm water, you must lower your fingers into the water and hold for 10-15 minutes.

  Soda or salt baths. For a soda bath, you need one tablespoon of soda per 500 ml. warm water, the procedure takes 10-12 minutes. For the procedure with sea salt - half a tablespoon of salt per 500 ml. water, time - 8 minutes.

  Aloe or Kalanchoe. The leaves of these plants are crushed to a state of gruel, applying it to the damaged area.

Remember - if you have open wounds, you can not use bathtubs with soda or salt, such an environment will corrode the wound, leading to even more inflammation.

If there is an abscess

When the burr is inflamed, redness, swelling appears around the diseased area, and strong pain occurs when pressed. All these symptoms indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, in most cases referral to a surgeon.

At the initial stage, you can use dressings with Levomekol ointment, but if acute pain and fever occur, self-medication should be stopped.

If a burr strongly runs up with a visit to the doctor, you should not tighten it - opening an abscess and removing pus may be required.