A wedding is the most important day in the life of two people in love. But besides the feeling of mutual love at the holiday, a huge place is allotted to other feelings: hospitality, beauty, which in a large way concern the organization of the celebration. Since guests and heroes of the occasion are almost always in the process of feasting, great attention should be paid to the design of the wedding table - decoration, table setting, seating the guests.
In order for each little thing relating to the wedding table to harmonize with the decor of the hall and the general atmosphere of the celebration, you need to decide on the style in advance. Next, you need to follow the plan.
Do you already have in mind the atmosphere that you would like at your wedding, but the decorations for a banquet have not stopped yet? If you have relied on the decor of round tables, here are some tips.
Luxuriously or cute decorated table of the bride and groom attracts the views of all those present, being the main element of any banquet. Young people sitting over a sea of flowers or elegant fabric decorations should stand out, but not look too defiant, be able to see and communicate with others and, of course, look good in photo frames. That is why the choice of design for the main table is the most important moment of preparation.
Now that you have agreed on your place of reception and the design of your wedding invitations that have just been sent to your guests, it's time to take a look at your wedding decor. It is it that will set the tone for your union, so you want it to look like you and blind your guests. Today, let's focus more specifically on how to design beautiful wedding round tables. Yes, we will not decorate the table according to the same rules, depending on whether it is round, rectangular or square. To be sure that you are not making mistakes in the design of the wedding, follow this small guide.
1. Mix the sizes of the tables
Round tables that many couples love for their weddings have the advantage of facilitating communication between your guests. The latter, in elegant suits and cocktail dresses, will be closer to each other than around a large banquet table. But nothing makes you choose the same round tables.
On the contrary, changing the formats, from 4 to 10 people, visually give dynamism to your room. This trick further helps not to “break” your various groups of friends.
2. Enter other geometric shapes
With round furniture, look for other shapes to beat the contrasts in decorating your wedding tables.
Square plates, napkins folded in a triangle, rectangular centers of tables ... everything is good so that the eye does not get tired of the uniformity of forms.
3. Select convenient table centers
The center of the table is, as the name suggests, the main decorative element of a well-built table. But he should not steal the attention of your guests, who should be able to look into each other's eyes during a conversation or participate in the original wedding games that you invented for them.
In order not to interfere with their vision, choose either low, selected table centers (round bouquet, wide candle), no more than 20 centimeters, or slender table centers, in the manner of a candlestick.
4. ... And in three elements
When it comes to jewelry, the number 3 is an ally. Betting on a trio of elements in the center of the table allows you to visually balance the table.
Various forms and types of decor: more or less large cans of jam as vases, to decorate a country wedding, a lantern and dried flowers for a retro atmosphere ...
The number of colors, keep in mind that apply in the design of three different tones, no more.
5. Choose an oval table
Unlike a rectangular table, be careful not to visually separate the space from your round table and not to create two differences in the design of the tables.
Give preference to a delicate tablecloth, for example, why not in natural material (linen, jute), in accordance with your wedding theme.
6. Decorate each table
Can you arrange each of your tables individually? Why adjust the decoration a bit? This is the advantage of small round tables as opposed to general, to adhere to the general format. Play on color differences or accessories related to your theme.
And, of course, use this to create a table for the newlyweds: for example, a more impressive wedding flower arrangement.
In order to direct your florist to create beautiful table centers, ask him to adhere to a certain unity with your wedding bouquet. Different styles are not without success. You must find yours.