Abramovit is a rare mineral, sulfosol from the cylindrite group. Named in honor of Dmitry Vadimovich Abramov, Russian mineralogist. It was first discovered in the Far East, on the Kuril Islands.
Abramovit has black color, black color of the line, metallic luster, average hardness on the Mohs scale, perfect cleavage, density 7.64. The formula is Pb2SnInBiS7. The mineral is opaque.
Molecular Weight of 1,066.44
The origin of the name In honor of Dmitry Vadimovich Abramov (1963 -), Russian mineralogist, employee of the Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman, Russia.
IMA status approved 2006
Dana (8th Edition)
Mineral color silver black
Stroke color black
Transparency opaque
Gloss metallic
Cleavage perfect for {100}
Density (measured) Bulk Density (Electron Density) = 7.64 gm / ccnote: Specific Gravity of Abramovite = 9.00 gm / cc.
Radioactivity (GRapi) 0
Point group 1 - pinacoidal
Space group P1
Syngonia Triklinnaya
Cell parameters a = 23.4 (3) Å, b = 5.77 (2) Å, c = 5.83 (2) Å
α = 89.1 °, β = 89.9 °, γ = 91.5 °
Ratio a: b: c = 4.055: 1: 1.01
Unit cell volume V 786.79 ų (calculated by unit cell parameters)
Absvürmbahit is a rare mineral named after the German mineralogist who discovered it. It has a saturated black color, tetragonal syngony, the formula CuMn6O8 (SiO4), a black stroke color, density 4.96, and also a fairly high hardness on the Mohs scale. Opaque. Cleavage in abswurmbachite is absent. The main impurities are Ti, Al, Fe, Cu, Mg, Ca.
Strunz (8th Edition) 8 / B.09-05
Strunz (9th edition) 9.AG.05
Dana (8th Edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 14.18.6
Mineral color black
The color is brownish black.
Transparency opaque
Gloss metallic
Cleavage no
Hardness (Mohs scale) 6.5
Density (measured) 4.96
Density (estimated) 4.96 g / cm3
Radioactivity (GRapi) 0
Dot group 4 / mmm (4 / m 2 / m 2 / m) - Di Tetragonal Dipyramidal
Space group I41 / acd (I41 / a 2 / c 2 / d)
Syngonia Tetragonal
Cell parameters a = 9.406Å, c = 18.546Å
Ratio a: c = 1: 1.972
The number of formula units (Z) 8
Unit cell volume V 1640.82 ų
Augite - refers to the group of pyroxenes. By chemical composition and crystal structure belongs to chain-type silicates. Chemical composition. Changeable; calcium oxide (CaO) 16–20%, magnesium oxide (MgO) 11.5–17.5%, iron oxide (FeO) 5–10%, iron oxide (Fe2О3) 1.5–8%, aluminum oxide (Аl2О3 ) 4.5-7.8%, titanium oxide (TiO2) 0.2-1.25%, silicon dioxide (SiO2) 46-50.5%.
Cleavage. Prismatic; the angle between the cleavage planes is 87 and 89 °. Aggregates. Solid, grainy, dense, needle-shaped. P. tr. Melts in black glass. Behavior in acids. Only titanavgite is completely soluble in boiling hydrochloric acid. It is formed by crystallization from magmatic melts, as a rock-forming mineral of many igneous rocks. Under the influence of hydrothermal solutions, it passes into hornblende (uralite) or chlorite, during weathering - into free SiO2 oxides (opals), iron hydroxides, carbonates, as well as clay halloysite and nontronite products.
Color Black with a brownish tint, greenish black, dark green
Trait Color White
The origin of the name From the Greek auge - shine
Year of discovery 1792
IMA status Valid, first described until 1959 (before IMA)
Chemical formula Ca (Mg, Fe, Al) [(Si, Al) 2O6]
Glitter glass
Transparency shines through
Cleavage perfect for {110}
Kinky conch
5.5 hardness
Thermal properties Melts in black glass
Strunz (8th Edition) 8 / F.01-90
Hey's CIM Ref. 16.23.1
Dana (8th Edition) 65.1.3a.3
Molecular Weight of 236.35
Cell parameters a = 9.699Å, b = 8.844Å, c = 5.272Å β = 106.97 °
The ratio a: b: c = 1.097: 1: 0.596
The number of formula units (Z) 4
Unit cell volume V 432.53 ų
Twinning is simple or multiple in {100}, and {001}
Point group 2 / m - Prismatic
Spatial group B2 / b (B1 1 2 / b) [C2 / c] {C1 2 / c 1}
Separate by {100} and {010}
Radioactivity is not radioactive
Density (estimated) 3.31 g / cm3
Density (measured) 3.19 - 3.56 g / cm3
Pleochroism visible
The dispersion of the optical axes r> v is weak to visible
Refractive indices nα = 1.680 - 1.703 nβ = 1.684 - 1.711 nγ = 1.706 - 1.729
Maximum birefringence δ = 0.026 - 0.039
Birefringence 0.032
Biaxial Type (+)
2V angle measured: 40 ° to 52 °, calculated: 48 ° to 68 °
Optical elevation high
Selection form thick-columned crystals
Classes on the systematics of the USSR Silicates
Classes by IMA Silicates
Monoclinic syngonia
Fragility Yes
Additionally In acids, with the exception of hydrofluoric acid, it does not decompose or decomposes slightly.