You've accumulated a lot of habits in your life, good and bad. So, the most important secret of habits is that your habits control your life by 95%. This means that it is your subconscious that controls 95% of your actions, and your consciousness only 5%. You can give a good analogy:
Your subconscious is an elephant.
Your consciousness is an ant.
Imagine this picture: an ant sits on an elephant and moves east, and an elephant goes west. Question: Where does an ant go? WEST-WEST!! But the ant is convinced that he is moving to the east. So the man thinks that he is going to success, but in fact he is going to failure. Such delusions are the most persistent. See if you have fallen for it?
Well, no matter where the elephant goes (subconscious), you are able to take control of your actions and turn the elephant in the right direction. How?
1. Determine where you want to go.
2. Determine what kind of person you will become when you get to this place.
3. Think about the habits of this person.
4. Develop these habits day after day.
Although consciousness controls only 5% of the actions, it is enough to change your life radically. But be patient. So, the first and most important thing that an ant must do (consciousness) is to determine where he wants to go. Without this, he has no chance to change the direction of the elephant. Once you have determined the destination, you must understand what action you must take in order to change your life.
For example: you go to work.
Your work schedule is from 9:00 to 18:00.
By the time you get home, it's already 19:00.
You will have dinner at 20:00.
20:00 - 23:00 free time.
Until you decide where you want to go, the time of 20:00 - 23:00 will be busy with all sorts of entertainment, such as watching TV, reading the newspaper, going out for a beer, etc.
You have determined that I want to be a free man and devote more time to my family.
For this purpose, from 20:00 to 23:00 I have to dedicate my time to my own business in order to secure a permanent income and free up time for my family in the future. "What kind of business is this? - Ask your soul. I cannot tell you anything here. (I can only say that if you have the right time to do your job at any time of the day, you should work in the mornings. Productivity is much higher. You get tired after work, and in the morning you are very alert and well aware. Just reschedule your day, go to bed early and wake up early. Again, habits! )
And the next day, you'll start working on your case. Everything, the elephant starts to turn.
You've changed your habits. Instead of reading a newspaper, watching TV.
So, let's talk about the habit-building process.
It takes 21 days to form a habit. It is impossible to break the old habit, it can only be replaced by a new one. Start to form a new habit gradually, so as not to feel uncomfortable. Let me show you the example of the formation of a habit to get up early. Let's say you lie down at 0:30 and get up at 7:30. The goal is to get up at 5:00. Don't think that's impossible. Very, very simple, only the right approach is needed. You start getting up 10 minutes earlier. After three days, 10 minutes earlier again. That is, you wake up at 7:10. You do this deliberately, and in return your body requires you to go to bed at 0:10 instead of 0:30. You're moving the time further. And so it is a month - and you get up at 5:00. The only thing left to do is to fix this habit. If you're an owl, it's harder to do because the rhythm is different, but you realize that working in the morning is more effective, and you have to learn to get up early. On 21 days you consciously control the climb at 5:00. In order to destroy a habit that has not yet been created and return to the previous one, it is enough to skip the action only once. After 21 days, you will act on a new habit, but it is important not to give in and not to give in to a weakness. The new habit is very easy to destroy, especially if you are not comfortable or uncomfortable with it
That's what we do:
1) Choose 3 new habits, write them down on paper.
2) Within 21 days we create only these 3 habits. No more.
3) After 21 days of deciding to create a new habit, if you've done something for 21 days and never weakened it, we can start to form a new habit. If you have been weakened, we will continue to develop the same habit for the next 21 days. You won't believe how easy it is to change your life.
And remember, if an action is not specific to you (your body/ soul is different), but needs to be done, it will take 21 days to form an automatic action.