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Furry or teddy cow breeds

She was brought to USA - in the "agricultural granary" of the state, Iowa, on the farm of a Matt Lottner, who is fond of cattle breeding for more than 20 years. The 1st shaggy bull with a completely inappropriate name for such a decorative creation as the Texas Tornado was demonstrated at the annual Iowa Cattle Fair in 2013.

Shaggy cattle are now considered to be some kind of animal decoration and an elementary surprise! Let's find out together if there are any shaggy cattle in nature that are practically hunted. What is the secret of their origin? Photos and videos will be a great prize to the word of the note.

Liquidity of breed

Original teddy bastards from Iowa have already battled half of the Russian online, and the entire South American Internet network. Shaggy cows with funny teddy bodies are quite like toys, but these animals are actually there and are absolutely tolerant of themselves on a private farm in the U.S. To be sure of their beauty and uniqueness we recommend on a photo.


The first time a teddy bear was seen on a farm in Iowa, and it was at Matt Lautner's farm. This farmer decided to amaze the universe and demonstrate something strange and strange, and he managed to do so. Soft, beautiful and quite funny cows knocked down the universe online in 2011 and since then continue to amuse the guys and the mature. The beginning of the "breed" was laid by a teddy bull Texas Tornado, which is shown in the photo above.

By the way, the furriers themselves were not divorced on the farm since 2011, but were present there with much more than a long time ago (about 20 years ago). In the proper video, we can watch a cute bull nicknamed Gold Rush walking around the farmland.

External picture

Outwardly the animals are very diverse, have a variety of colors. In the presenter you can see:

  • redheaded;
  • Spotted and rippled;
  • black;
  • snow-white.

But there is also a large number of all kinds of colors, for example, a gentle cream color. Experts say that this breed, like the Angus or Highlanders, and also the Gereford, is suitable for creating such a smooth laying and dashing haircut.

Officially, this special Iowa cow is not recognized. And it is listed between connoisseurs as a mixture.

They are small in the crest (up to 135 cm) of cattle, with a wide chest and bulky back. The rear fraction of the grits is higher than the front fraction, and it seems that the cow actually raises the debt a little bit. The legs seem to be rounded, as if short columns. The authority of such a teddy bearish touching creation is absolutely serious - chicks weigh up to 550 kg, and bulls - up to 800 kg. The photo will tell about this eloquence more eloquently than anybody else.

Genes or special effects?

As we have warned, nobody intentionally brought the shaggy cow out, she was only led to such a picture with the support of a rather complicated process of haircut, washing and styling. Yes, don't be amazed, funny beauties are really washed, cut and dried using stacking methods. By the way, there is a similar practice of "combing" cattle in a number of other breeds. The bull looks bigger, and the cow looks cuter than in the form of "from nature".

Lotner Farm employees have told the press that later on, the animals' haircuts are specially combed using a number of brushes and brushes with nozzles. After that, the buzzards are applied special mousses and oils on the wool, so that it looked shiny and was quite smooth. This coat structure will also require a specific and correct table. Once again, the mystery - neoprene wraps, text, literally a beauty salon for cows!

Tempting precedents

Teddy cows conquer people with their own beauty and often occupy 1st spaces at exhibitions. Curiously, children are the ones who most often win. The calves, which have not yet got a small body, treated with smooth hair, really want to touch. It is not strange that they actually win over the mature. It is also interesting that these animals own udders that are not intended for milking. They also do not have horns, which, in principle, is good for them and prepares even cuter.

Those who want to buy such a pupil in Russia, to the disappointment, will need to be disappointed. The cost of such a baby is measured in tens of thousands of dollars. Yes, and purchase it is possible so far only in the United States.