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L. N. Tolstoy. War and peace. Volume four. Part Three VIII

From the drummer, who was given vodka and lamb by Denisov's order, and whom Denisov ordered to put on a Russian caftan, so that, without sending him away with the prisoners, to leave him with the party, Petya's attention was distracted by the arrival of Dolokhov. Petya in the army had heard many stories about Dolokhov's extraordinary bravery and cruelty with the French, and therefore since Dolokhov had entered the hut, Petya had stared at him without losing sight of him, and was increasingly cheering him up, jerking his head up, so as not to be unworthy even of such a society as Dolokhov.

Dolokhov's appearance strangely struck Petya with its simplicity.

Denisov dressed in tzhekmen, wore a beard and on his chest the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker and in the manner of speaking in all techniques showed the peculiarity of his position. Dolokhov, on the other hand, had worn a Persian costume in Moscow before, and now looked like the most stuck-up Guards officer. His face was cleanly shaved, dressed in a wadding coat with George in a loop and wearing a simple cap. He took off a wet burka in the corner and, coming up to Denisov, not greeting anyone, immediately began to ask about the case. Denisov told him about the plans, which had large groups of troops on their transport, and about the sending of Petya, and about how he answered both generals. Then Denisov told everything he knew about the position of the French detachment.

- That's true, but you need to know how many troops you have," Dolokhov said. Not knowing exactly how many of them there are, you can't go into business. I like to do things carefully. That's if any of the gentlemen want to come with me to their camp. I have uniforms with me.

- I, I... I will go with you! - Petya yelled out.

- You don't have to go either," Denisov said to Dolokhov, "and I won't let him go.

- That's beautiful! - Petya cried out, "Why shouldn't I go?

- Yes, because of the fact that there is no need.

- Well, you will excuse me, because... because... I'll go, that's all. Will you take me? - He turned to Dolokhov.

- Why, then... - He answered Dolokhov distractedly, looking at the face of the French drummer.

- How long have you had this good boy? - He asked Denisov.

- Now they have, but they don't know anything. I kept his pg's and myself.

- Well, where are you going with the others? - Dolokhov said.

- Where to? I'm sending it under G'Aspicas! - suddenly blushed, cried out Denisov. - And I can tell you that I don't have a single person on my conscience. G'azweh, you'll be tg'ud to send Tg'irii or Tg'ista a man under escort to Gog'od than a magician, and I'll tell Pg'yamo, the honor of a soldier.

- The young countess, at sixteen, is a respectable man to say," Dolokhov said with a cold smile, "and it's time for you to leave.

- Well, I'm not saying anything, I'm just saying that I'm definitely going with you," Petya said shyly.

- It's time for us to leave these courtesies, brother," continued Dolokhov, as if he had found it particularly pleasing to talk about this subject that annoyed Denisov. - Well, why did you take this to your place? - he said, shaking his head. - Because you feel sorry for him? After all, we know your receipts. You will send them a hundred people, and thirty will come. They will starve to death or beat you. Doesn't it matter if you take them?

Esaul, squinting his bright eyes, nodded approvingly.

- It was all g'awno, and there was nothing to say about it. I don't want to take it on my soul. You're talking about pomg'ut. Well, hog'oshaw. Not from me.

Dolokhov laughed.

- Who didn't tell me to catch me twenty times? But they will catch me and you, with your knighthood, on a stake anyway. - He was silent. - However, we have to do business. Send my Cossack with a pack! I have two French uniforms. Well, come with me? - He asked Petya.

- Me? Yes, yes, by all means, - blushing almost to tears, Petya cried out, looking at Denisov.

Again, while Dolokhov argued with Denisov about what to do with the prisoners, Petya felt uncomfortable and hasty; but again he did not have time to understand well what they were talking about. If that's what the big, well-known people think, then it's necessary, so it's good," he thought. - And the main thing is that Denisov should not dare to think that I will listen to him, that he can command me. I will definitely go with Dolokhov to the French camp. He can, and I can.

To all Denisov's beliefs not to go Petya answered that he, too, used to do everything neatly, not at random Lazarus, and that he never thinks about the danger to himself.

- Because if you don't know exactly how much life depends on it, maybe hundreds, but here we are alone, and then I really want to do it, and then I will definitely go, you won't keep me, - he said, - only it will be worse ...