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How to successfully complete an interview? Part 2

Match strengths with position

After the successful self-analysis and the assessments by your friends and family, you should have a collection of strengths to put in relation to each other. What are soft skills, what are hard skills?

You need both in a successful application. Those who only highlight their expertise as web designers, for example, but at the same time lack important social skills, will find it difficult to authentically sell their strengths in the interview.

Next, you should look carefully at which of these strengths you need for the advertised position. In most cases, this step has already been taken when formulating the cover letter, because the application has to filter out the mandatory and optional qualifications and differentiate between "indispensable" and "desirable".

You compare the results you have achieved previously with the position and note down the relevant strengths for the interview. For example, anyone who works as a geriatric nurse will always have to be able to demonstrate empathy. Conversely, a mechanical engineer should have a structured, analytical approach.

Skillful use of strengths in the job interview

The following list provides an overview of typical strengths that are repeatedly mentioned:

Conflict Ability


sense of responsibility


organisational ability

motivational capacity



ability to communicate


stress resistance


analytical capability


If you simply mention such strengths in the interview, you will not get the dream job. The same applies to the interview as to the cover letter: Demonstrate your strengths with examples. Everything else is mere assertions, which are not verifiable for the personnel manager.

One example is the ability to work in a team. This characteristic is almost always in demand among soft skills. If you now say: "I am a team player", but at the same time you have never worked in a team - how can this statement be verified?

Stumbling blocks can arise here, especially for newcomers to the world of work. You can solve the problem by resorting to other areas, for example, by mentioning your experiences as a team captain in the football team.

