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According to the story told in the legends, it happened that a man possessed by an evil spirit killed an old sage named Kann-He-Kan on the shore of the lake.
Fearing possible punishment for the crime, he tried to get rid of the body of the murdered old man, throwing it into the water, and he ran away.
However, the evil was not hidden from the gods, and they were furious. Desiring to punish the murderer of old, they created a huge monstrous snake that lived in the waters of the lake.
Residents living in the surrounding area gave the monster the name "N'ha-A-ITK", meaning "Demon of the Lake". To safely swim across the lake, the locals brought the spirit of sacrifice. However, not all offerings could calm the monster.
In this case, there was a terrible storm on the lake and the monster was selected from the depths to take someone's life. The curse of N'ha-A-Itka still works today, punishing the locals for allowing the old sage to die.
The white people who came to this region treated with disdain the local legend about the Demon of the lake. They cut down the trees that grew on the shore and floated logs to lake Okanagan.
One day a white man was sailing on the lake in a canoe, tying the horses to the bow of the boat and letting them follow along the shore.
Suddenly the horses began to scream and ran for the water, and the waves swallowed them up. After that, the boat was pulled to the bottom.
The white man had drawn his knife and cut the ropes. Had he not done so, he would have drowned like horses.
Thus occurred the first encounter of the white man with the lake monster N'ha-A-ITK.
Nowadays, the Demon of the Lake from time to time continues to remind himself, turning the boat or dragging to the bottom of experienced swimmers. Sometimes you can see how the monster emerges, rising above the surface of the water, and grabs the birds flying over the lake.
According to the description of the eyewitness, the Demon of the Lake looks like a plesiosaur.
In 1942, the monster was given a simpler name for pronunciation, renaming it to Ogopogo, borrowing the name from the old national song.
The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
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