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Ванесса Парро

How people are turned into zombies

Hello! You are on the channel "Vanessa Parro", thank You for reading my articles!I will be glad to read positive reviews, they warm the soul)

Residents of Haiti, for the most part, believe that the transformation of dead people into zombies, sorcerers steal their immortal souls.

There is a belief that the one whom Bokor wants to make a zombie, he chooses during his lifetime. And it looks, according to people, as follows.

In the pitch darkness of the night, the sorcerer saddles his Bay horse and goes to the home of a potential victim.

There, crouching in the mouth of the door, he's like sucking the soul from a resident of this house, after placing it in a specially prepared for her bowl or bottle and tightly close it.

After a certain time, and it does not take long to wait, because a person can not live without a soul, he dies.

After he was buried, the sorcerer at midnight and his assistants excavated this burial. Bokor says the name of the deceased and, in response, he tries to raise his head, because in the hands of the sorcerer of his soul.

When he does raise his head, the man holds a bottle of the soul to his face and lets him inhale it. After all, the former corpse is raised from the grave, hit, for greater fidelity. A bottle on the head and the very grave buried to avoid any people have questions.

When Bokor holds his victim near his home, he speaks the words of the spell, after which he will not be able to know the place where he lived all his life.

Bringing the same to his home, such a controlled puppet. The sorcerer gives him to drink magical potions. This finally completes the process of converting, prevent the opposite of rehabilitation.

I doubt that after reading this, you plan to spend your next vacation in Haiti.

The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
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