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Winged phrases

Both old and young people perfectly remember the “catchphrases” from old films - they have survived to the present day. Let's take a trip together to our beloved cult movie.


And at the same time, remember that cinema has always been a mirror of the era, the history of the country.

Sergei Ezenshtein once said: "We thought we were making a new life and cinematography, but that it, life, made us." One of the characteristic features of the life of the 30s was short and energetic slogans and catchy phrases that sounded at all meetings, campaigning from posters and street banners. The principle of cinema is to achieve big things, and the heroes of the first sound cinema also spoke in bright, catchy phrases, and these winged words immediately entered into everyday life, they began to sound from the stages of work clubs. (The film "Chapaev").

By the mid-30s, the civil war seemed to be a distant and quite romantic past, and Soviet Russia faced completely new tasks that required unprecedented exertion of forces - mechanization, collectivization, electrification, the rise of industry - that was what the country lived. “Catch up and overtake America” - this slogan already did not seem completely improbable even in the film “Funny Guys”, in this document of 1934, there is already this feeling of a great victory as a grand break somewhere in the bright future. "We will sing and laugh like children in the midst of hard struggle and work." The audience immediately fell in love with this film, a fairy tale film, a dream film, because this joyful and optimistic story showed exactly the opposite the real life of these same spectators. Today, thanks to this tape, we at least partially understand the enthusiasm, hope and aspiration of the Komsomol tribe of those years.

The film "Funny Guys" thundered not only in the USSR. The picture was noted at the Venice Film Exhibition and received good reviews in the American press. The great Chaplin himself, busy on the set of his film “New Times”, when he saw the tape, wrote: “Aleksandrov discovered a new Russia for America. Before“ Happy Guys ”we knew Dostoevsky’s Russia, now we have seen big shifts in the psychology of people. This is agitating more, than evidence by shooting and speeches. "

The appearance of sound cinema in the early 30s marked a new stage in the relationship between cinema and Soviet literature, and this event symbolically coincided with the publication of the masterpieces of Ilf and Petrov "12 chairs" and "Golden Calf", and when then, much later, screen versions appeared These unforgettable works, many citizens, despite the mass literacy in our country, as if they first learned about the existence of the son of a Turkish citizen Ostap Bender. These were probably the latest works that since the time of Griboedov and Krylov have completely diverged to quotes. A story about the adventures of the heroes of Ilf and Petrov can give an idea of ​​our country in the early 30s, perhaps no worse than special historical works. The giant construction sites of the century - a holiday for workers - paint a real picture of that time, and Ostap, unfortunately, is a stranger at this holiday of life. Do you remember? "Real life flew past, triumphantly blowing and flashing its varnished wings. Aren't you envious, Balaganov? I'm envious."

Rural fairs and city culture parks - this is the main joy for the family of builders of the new society on a rare weekend. And, of course, the movie. And in the late 30s, cinema received an order for an unusual tape - a musical comedy was needed. And such a tape appeared. The plot, it would seem, is nothing special, but the film turned out to be excellent, and the grateful audience immediately spoke the language of his characters. ("Volga-Volga")

“Life has become better, life has become more fun,” Stalin announced in the late 1930s. This slogan was immediately picked up by the Soviet party cinema. "Previously, our longing sang in songs, but now our joy sings." With the same enthusiasm as in the construction of platinum and factories, the Soviet people began to enjoy life. Judging by the movie documents. Frames from feature films of that time are sometimes difficult to distinguish from newsreels. Maybe because the same people directed the movies and the festivities? "I don’t know another country like that, where a man breathes so freely ..."

New tapes came out and with them new winged phrases appeared in our language. For about 20 years, the two most famous and beloved Soviet musical comedies Volga-Volga and Carnival Night have been sharing. They reflect two different stages in the development of Soviet cinema: the picture of Aleksandrov (30s) is a real classic socialist realism, and Carnival Night (50s) is already an instant of the thaw. This first comedy by Eldar Ryazanov has been pleasing the audience for half a century now. Before the appearance of The Irony of Fate, it was Carnival Night that personified the celebration of the New Year for the whole country.