Our life in the modern world is very dynamic and full of different elections. We can choose where to work, what to do, what to do, where to spend time and so on. But there is one thing without which our modern world will probably just collapse - it is money. These are the very papers that we all have in our wallets.
Nowhere without money. We need money for everything. They say that there are unique people among us who can do without money, they somehow move around the world, somehow eat and dress, and all this without money.
- It can't be! - You will say. Maybe it's just a fiction invented by someone, or maybe it's not. At least, it seems unrealistic. Without money in today's life and society, there is no way to survive. Perhaps it will work in life, but in modern society, there is certainly nothing to do without money.
So, let's try to understand - money is good or evil, good or bad, plus or minus?
Initially, as we all know from history and the school curriculum in general, money was conceived as a means of exchanging goods. In order to ease the commodity barter. Over time, money began to acquire more and more power. They began to master the minds and hearts of people who wanted to have them because they understood that having money they could buy any goods. Gradually, money became a kind of energy in modern society. Many people are eager to possess this energy. But ask yourself, why are they so eager to do this? This is a topic for you to think about.
Let's return to our conversation. So, money in our time is not easy to buy something with paper. It is the energy of a certain kind. And we all hunt for it. (Do we need to? This is another topic for you to think about.)
Those of us who "have money" will say that money is good, it is good, it is a plus. Those who don't have it will shout that money is evil, it's bad, it's a minus, and money's bad news.
What is the conclusion? Money itself is a neutral force that can be useful or harmful. It is, if you will, some indifferent substance, which is completely neutral in itself. Good or bad money is made only by people, that is, we are with you.
Everything depends on our attitude. If money is evil for us, then we will never have it. If we respect this energy, knowing that we still need it in life, we will have enough money, and if we just love money, we love it very much in itself - it is a diagnosis and here you need to see a specialist.
There is such a thing with the money that if you really want it or hate it very much, you can't see it as your ears. Well, if the second case is clear, then why do those who wish - do not receive. But because such a desire for money is lust, intrusive thought. This thought only removes you from the money, because if you just walk the money - you are sick.
Money as energy is only a means or side effect of our (everyone's) life. Ask any rich person that money is for him and you will never hear the enthusiastic about money. For them (rich people) money is just a means. It was a means at the very beginning when these rich people were not rich yet. There are more important things in their lives, but still, any rich person understands the importance of money and will never adore or hate it. That's how it is.
Let's sum it up.
Everyone sees money in their own way. For someone, it is good, for someone it is evil. A lot depends on your attitude. Your attitude to money determines your relationship with it in the future. Money itself is a neutral energy.
Treat money neutrally and then you will have it. Money loves silence, including emotional silence. As one man said, go in the middle.