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Dr. House's psychotype. Part III


Type of personality. Weaknesses and strengths

From all of the above, we can draw a conclusion about the schizoid organization of the doctor. Let's consider the organization of House's personality in the aspects of psychoanalytic typology of Nancy McWilliams.

In the field of drives, the schizoid personality appears to be struggling with oral problems. Namely: she is concerned about the need to avoid the danger of being absorbed, sucked in, chewed up, tied up and eaten. The world around them is felt as a space full of consuming, perverting, destructive forces. This fantasy manifests itself in Gregory House's tendency to leave, avoid, seek satisfaction in the imagination, to reject the physical world.


On the outside, House is skinny, which can also indicate an emotional break with his own needs, which is typical for people with schizoid organization.

A schizoid personality tends to be in contact with many emotional reactions up to the level of genuine experience, which alienates and even frightens those with whom they interact. It is common for schizoid people to wonder how everyone else can deceive themselves so successfully if the harsh truth of life is so obvious. Let's remember, once again, House's deep belief that everyone is lying.

House turns out to be an "outsider", an observer, a researcher of human existence. The "disintegration" contained in the etymology of the word "schizoid" is observed in House between his own "self" and the world around him.

The most adaptive and exciting ability of House, typical for people of schizoid organization, is their creativity. House's creative and unconventional approach to diagnosing patients is admirable.

The primary conflict in schizoid people's relationships concerns intimacy and distance, love and fear. They are eager to be close, although they feel threatened by others. At House, as noted above, we observe distance, moving away from intimacy, despite our loneliness, which is preferable.

It is typical for a schizoid personality to long for an unattainable sexual object (Dr. Cuddy), while feeling a vague indifference to the available objects.

Self-respect in people with schizoid dynamics is often supported by individual creativity. House seeks to confirm its exceptional originality and uniqueness.

In Leongard's typology

House is an introverted person. He is withdrawn, silent, incomprehensible to others, difficult to communicate. He always knows how right it is, and spared no effort and energy to prove his own right. According to Leonhardt, the tendency to build relationships in a sarcastic, half-joking way is peculiar mainly to introverted individuals, because such relationships are based on a hidden, inner game of the mind.

The choice of profession also allows House to feel close to people, knowing the most intimate and intimate details of their lives, being at the same time at a safe distance from their influence.

Strengths: unconventionality, creativity, rich inner world, high erudition, the presence of solid beliefs, integrity.

Weaknesses: the distance in communication with people, communication difficulties, care in the fantasy, addiction to drugs, emotional coldness, stubbornness, at all has its own point of view, which can be erroneous, sharply different from the opinion of other people.

And nevertheless he continues to assert his truth no matter what.