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The main diseases and methods of their treatment. Part 3



Nematode parasitizes in the intestines of the animal.
Her larvae are well distinguished when examining the feces of a sick kitten. This parasite enters the body of a pet along with eaten fleas or in contact with infected rodents.
At the first symptoms of the disease, the kitten should be taken to a veterinary clinic and shown to a specialist.


Obesity is understood as a metabolic disorder leading to the accumulation of excess adipose tissue. The cause of obesity can be both an improper, unbalanced diet, and the effect on the body of a kitten of phosphorus, arsenic, lead, fluorine, copper, nickel. In addition, deficiency of pituitary hormones in the baby’s body can lead to obesity.

Setting an enema.

In sick animals there is an excess of excess weight, they breathe heavily, quickly get tired, refuse to move, their thirst and appetite increase. The main causes of this disease are an unbalanced diet, a deficiency of pituitary hormones, a passive lifestyle and metabolic disorder, in which fatty cells accumulate in the kitten's body.

If possible, often take a kitten to the cottage, to the forest, and fishing. If not, arrange outdoor games with him.

If the cause of obesity is malnutrition, you must carefully balance the diet. A special diet and significant physical stress on the body will quickly bring the kitten in good shape. In other cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor who can prescribe the necessary treatment. As a rule, drugs such as adiposin, fepranon, adebit, thyroidin are prescribed. In addition, laxatives and diuretics are indicated.


Sneezing, mucous discharge from the nose, swelling of the eyes and throat are signs of a severe allergic reaction.
Irritants may include plant pollen, mold, dust, certain foods, medications, bird feathers, fluff and wool. At the first sign of an allergy in a kitten, he should be taken to a veterinary clinic. During a particularly severe attack in the absence of a veterinarian, a pet can be given 1/2 tablet of diphenhydramine.

Feeding pills.

Acute respiratory disease

The main causes of ARI are hypothermia and the activity of viruses. A sick cat begins to sneeze and cough, her temperature rises, the animal loses its appetite and experiences a sharp breakdown.

Subcutaneous administration of drugs.

The smaller the kitten, the greater the risk of acute respiratory infections, since in the absence of treatment this disease quickly turns into severe pneumonia. Therefore, at the first symptoms of a respiratory disease, the pet must be shown to the veterinarian so that he makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes a course of treatment.


Tuberculosis is an extremely contagious disease caused by a tubercle bacillus and ending in death. Its main symptoms are shortness of breath, cough, diarrhea and weight loss.
A kitten can become infected with tuberculosis by eating meat and milk from sick cows, as well as through prolonged contact with a sick animal. Heat treatment of food significantly reduces the risk of disease.
To prevent the spread of tuberculosis, the injured kitten must be isolated, taken to a veterinary clinic and euthanized after confirmation of the diagnosis.


Keratitis is a disease that occurs when the cornea is mechanically damaged. It is characterized by clouding of the cornea of the eye.

Instillation of drug into eyes.

For the treatment of keratitis, a fluorescein solution, eye drops and antibiotics are used. It is impossible to use cortisone-based ocular ointments for the treatment of keratitis, since they further destroy the damaged cornea of the eye.


Such a disease as rickets occurs when the endocrine glands are disturbed or if the kitten does not have enough mineral salts in the body. The probability of this disease in the winter period of time significantly increases.
Symptoms of rickets - curvature of the extremities, thickening of the joints, sagging back. Rickets slows the growth of a kitten.
To treat rickets, the animal is irradiated with a quartz lamp. Before starting treatment, the kitten should be shown to the veterinarian.


Plague is a viral disease that invariably ends in death. The incubation period of the plague is from 1 to 3 weeks.
Symptoms of the plague - impaired coordination of movements, cramps, weakness and apathy. In acute cases, hind limb paralysis develops. Death occurs 10 days after the onset of the first symptoms. Immediately after diagnosis, the kitten should be euthanized.