Ticks are perhaps the most famous carriers of various diseases. They are of two types: scabies and encephalitis.
Scabies mites are very small, so you can see them only with a microscope. Some of them easily bite through the skin and penetrate beneath it, eating blood and causing unpleasant sensations in the infected animal. Others live on the skin of a kitten, eating exfoliated fragments of the epidermis.
The causative agent of ear scabies (otodectosis) is a tick 0.3-0.7 mm long. He has an oval body and 4 pairs of limbs equipped with suction cups. It feeds on exfoliated skin flakes, damaging the microflora of the auricle, which can lead to inflammation of the eardrum, middle and inner ear. In especially advanced cases, ear scabies ends fatally.
Infection with otodectosis occurs through contact with a sick animal or person, as well as through objects of care and maintenance.
A sick kitten begins to rub its ears with its paws, shake its head, loses its appetite, it rises in temperature and develops a crooked head, in which the pet's head is turned strongly towards the damaged ear. The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of purulent discharge from the auditory canals.
Ticks are dangerous to humans. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, the kitten must be wrapped in oilcloth or a dense clean cloth and taken to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible. Then, a general cleaning should be done in the house where he lived: vacuum the carpets, knock out mattresses and pillows, and burn the toys with which the animal played, and the bedding intended for his rest.
The causative agent of itchy scabies (notoedrosis) is a sarcoptic mite 0.14-0.45 mm long. His body has a spherical shape, and the jointed limbs are equipped with bell-shaped suction cups. This insect lives in the lower layers of the skin. It actively moves, causing the kitten to itch severely. The animal begins to itch, loses its appetite and becomes aggressive. His hair falls out, abscesses, wounds and bald spots appear on his skin.
Noothedrosis can be infected by contact with infected objects (combs, brushes, bedding, toys, a feeder, a drinking bowl, etc.) or a sick animal (cat, dog, rodent).
You can destroy sarcoptoid ticks using special drugs sold in pet stores. However, only a veterinarian can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
Encephalitis tick is dangerous for both animals and humans, as it is a carrier of a number of diseases. In length, it reaches 2-3 mm and is clearly visible to the naked eye. The bite of this parasite only in rare cases provokes skin irritation and almost never causes pain.
In order to reduce the risk of contracting an encephalitis tick, after each walk in nature, the kitten should be inspected. In this case, it is recommended to pay special attention to the area between the fingers, ears, throat and stomach of the pet. It is best to look for ticks with the help of a flea comb, which can be bought at almost any pet store.
The detected parasite should be removed and killed as soon as possible by dripping sunflower oil or medical alcohol on it.
Tapeworms are internal parasites that live in the small intestine of an animal. They can cause great harm to the body of a kitten and are easily transmitted to humans.
The body of the tapeworm resembles a thin narrow ribbon. It consists of many segments in which larvae develop.
The ripened segments come off and go out together with the feces.
To find out if a kitten is infected with a tapeworm, it is enough to carefully examine its bowel movements. The larvae of these parasites are quite large, and they can be seen without a microscope.
A tapeworm can enter the body along with meat or milk from sick animals, as well as when swallowing fleas and lice eaters. The affected animal loses its appetite and weight. His behavior is becoming restless.
At the first symptoms of tapeworm infection, you should contact your veterinarian who will prescribe treatment.
Roundworms parasitize in the lungs, stomach and liver of animals. They can enter the body of a kitten along with spoiled food or by close contact with sick animals. These parasites resemble long strands of white or pink in body shape.
In an infected animal, diarrhea and vomiting begin, the kitten quickly loses weight, and its coat becomes dull.
Roundworms are dangerous in that they absorb a large amount of nutrients, while releasing toxins that are harmful to the health of the pet.
If roundworm larvae are found in the feces of an animal, it should be taken to a veterinary clinic to confirm the diagnosis and treatment.
Infection with flukes can occur when a kitten consumes bad water or while in contact with a drinker in which it was previously located.
Flukes are easy to spot in the feces of a sick animal. The infected kitten should be taken to the veterinarian, who will prescribe a course of treatment.
to be continued...