Domestic cats: facts from life
1 fact about domestic cats
Modern domestic cats originated from myacids that existed over 40 million years ago. They were small animals that lived on trees.
2 facts about domestic cats
The first representatives of cats of our time stood out about 12 million years ago.
3 facts about domestic cats
Isaac Newton, who is known as the discoverer of the law of attraction, invented the door for domestic cats.
4 facts about domestic cats
95% of their owners talk to their cats.
5 facts about domestic cats
Cats are aliens! Even the most respected scientists who suspect immigrants from other planets are suspected of these animals unanimously confirm this. In their opinion, the main task of cats is to observe creatures living on Earth, and the proof of their alien origin is simply amazing abilities that other terrestrial animals do not have.
6 facts about domestic cats
The world's first cat, which received a name from the owners, was an Egyptian. She lived in Ancient Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III (that is, in 1479 - 1425 BC). The loving owner called her Nej, which in Russian means "pleasant, sweet."
7 facts about domestic cats
Cats do not need to be considered finicky just because they sniff their dish for a long time before embarking on a meal. They do not sort out with grubs, but try to determine the temperature of food with their noses so as not to burn themselves.
8 facts about domestic cats
Some people are afraid of cats, and this is explained not by ancient beliefs in the witchcraft abilities of animals, but by the usual ... phobia! In the presence of cats, such people sit motionless, afraid that otherwise this terrible beast will notice them. And the cat is just interested in this: it gladly climbs into the arms of a motionless person! According to rumors, Napoleon Bonopart himself suffered from such a phobia.
9 facts about domestic cats
Cats love to sleep on paper - for them, this rustling material is the warmest and softest, so when choosing a place to relax a pet, it is worth considering its taste.
10 facts about domestic cats
Cats sleep about 18 hours a day!
11 facts about domestic cats
The cat loves that all the doors are open in the house, because it cannot stand the enclosed space.
12 facts about domestic cats
The cat loves fresh air, so make sure that the windows in the house do not close.
13 facts about domestic cats
For centuries, people have respected cats. For example, in Japan, figurines of cats were specially placed at the gates of the house, which symbolized the warmth of the home, and in Russia, the cat is still the first to be launched into the new house.
14 facts about domestic cats
Many owners of cats, not without reason, believe that their pets are able to predict the future and, in particular, the return of one of its inhabitants to the house. One woman said that it was from the behavior of the cat that she knew about the arrival of friends, since the cat goes to the dining room before their visit and begins to wash her face diligently.
15 facts about domestic cats
Cats are smart, but masterful.
16 facts about domestic cats
Cats helped scientists make discoveries useful to humanity: for example, one of them helped to invent iodine by accidentally knocking over flasks with different substances and mixing them!
17 facts about domestic cats
One of the most unusual "cat" collections can be considered a collection of a veterinarian from the city of Elblag (Poland) Vitold Klodzek. He worked with cats throughout his 20-year practice and during that time received a unique collection ... of cat sneezes, which he meticulously recorded on tape. Cats replenish their "sneezing" collection especially in winter and autumn, when they often catch a cold. To date, the collection has over a hundred records, which have different tonality, duration and volume.
18 facts about domestic cats
Smuggled kittens constantly live with wintering in Antarctica. This tradition has existed for a long time, and in 1988-1989. the cat Timofey, who lived at the North Pole stations No. 28 and 29, and helped his owners, became famous.
19 facts about domestic cats
The loudest cat found in the world. It has recently become popular, and this is not surprising: the rumbling of such a cat can drown out even the sound of the Boeing 737 engine, because it makes sounds at 92 decibels (the plane going to land has a similar “volume”)! The animal is complained of by its owners - the Adams family. The namesakes of the famous movie family claim that their 12-year-old British cat rumbles so loudly that they can not hear the TV and can not talk on the phone. Scientists have conducted research and found out: these "accusations" are justified, because the purrs of Smokey are almost 4 times louder than similar sounds made by other cats.