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Toilet training


From the very first day of the life of a kitten in your home, you need to accustom it to cope with its natural needs in a place specially designated for these purposes. First of all, you should think about what should be a toilet for a kitten, and prepare it in accordance with all the needs of your pet.
You can make a toilet yourself. It should be borne in mind that the pet will willingly use it only if it meets all the requirements of the animal. The toilet should be convenient for the kitten itself, and it is best to bring its design closer to natural conditions. And of course, caring for a cat's toilet should not be a problem for you: it is advisable to make it from a suitable material so that it is easy to clean, thereby preventing the spread of an unpleasant odor in the house.
A few words should also be said about what should not be a toilet for a kitten. In no case can you use materials such as aluminum, iron or tin for its manufacture, since under the influence of urine they corrode, as a result of which they not only quickly fail, but can also pose a serious danger to the health of your pet. Wooden boxes and cardboard boxes are also not suitable for this purpose: cardboard instantly gets wet, and the tree absorbs urine, as a result of which an odor will inevitably appear in your house.
It is best to use a plastic trough or bathtub of a suitable design for your cat's toilet. Their size should be sufficient so that your pet can freely fit in the container, move and not throw out the filler (do not forget that sooner or later the kitten will grow up and his habits will remain the same, so you need to choose the capacity for the toilet in light of this circumstance) . An important role is also played by the height of the container. If it is too low, liquid will spill onto the floor. A container with high walls is also not suitable, since the kitten will be uncomfortable to sit in it.
It is desirable that the toilet bath has a perfectly flat bottom - this will ensure its stability. Make sure that there are no holes in it: even the slightest damage, for known reasons, makes the toilet unusable.

A kitten can be trained to use the toilet.

In addition, special plastic pallets for cat litter are sold in pet shops. Some of them involve the use of a filler, while others are equipped with an insertion strainer that allows liquids to drain. The latter are much more convenient in that they relieve the kitten owner of the need to buy a filler each time. Nevertheless, some animals refuse such a toilet: because of the nature they have a need to bury the products of their livelihoods, and pallets with an inserted strainer deprive them of such an opportunity. If you (and your kitten) nevertheless opted for this device, do not forget that the pan should be washed after each visit to the animal's toilet.

The issue of hygiene is very important. After all, the unpleasant smell in the apartment, especially if there are several kittens, can ruin the joy of communicating with them.

Choosing a suitable container, you should take care of the filler. Many cat owners prefer to use sand for this purpose. This is really a good option: it absorbs moisture well and is very convenient for the animal (after all, in natural conditions, cats often bury their excrement in the sand). However, along with the advantages, this method also has obvious disadvantages: sand sticks to the pet's paws and spreads throughout the apartment, in addition, it does not hold the smell well. In addition, in urban conditions, finding fairly clean sand is often very problematic.
Some use finely chopped newsprint as a cat litter.
On the one hand, this is quite convenient: such material is always very easy to find. However, the paper has a low adsorption capacity, quickly dries and becomes a source of the spread of unpleasant odors. Such a filler must be constantly changed.

Whatever option you choose - a tray with a filler or a toilet bowl, you need to train a kitten to it as soon as possible