Family is perhaps the most important value for everyone. Or at least for most of us. And even if you are not so successful in your work, do not succeed in school and in General in life "not quite successful"... still, you can be a happy person if in your family... "everything is good, and even better." No wonder they say that"you do not need a treasure when the family harmony."
But it happens that among the closest and dearest people you can not find understanding. Or you are irritated and exasperated by the actions of the spouse( spouse), and sometimes some household trifles, or even hair or makeup. And you're not happy with yourself, you feel angry and guilty at the same time. Or annoyance and jealousy, fear and anger…
You do not want to experience all this, you want to always feel happy and joyful, be proud of your children, and gentle with your second half. To care for your parents with respect and reverence, to show a keen interest and compassion for your brothers and sisters... you want to be a winner in their eyes and feel their joy, admiration, recognition, delight…
Basically, all you want is happiness. Small, cozy, or big, all-encompassing. For everyone it its. And if you're happy in a family, then everything else doesn't seem like such a big deal. For all is surmountable, on all there will be forces.
So today we're going to talk about ... no, no, not just happiness. We will talk about what tool you can use to create and generate it.
And that, you guessed it, is positive thinking.
Yes, I know, the phrase "positive thinking "has become" clogged " and there was a lot of criticism. They say that it is important to be critical of everything, to be able to expect a trick from any side... But who of you wants to live in constant negativity and suspicion?
That's it!
Speaking about positive perception and thinking, it is only important to stipulate that it must be "correct", that is, not illusory, not irresponsible. And then everything will work out and work. In other words, in what is happening, you first pay attention to the valuable and useful. And even in the difficulties and crises along the way, you can find ideas, signs, lessons, warnings, and even protection. You train yourself to make positive a priority in life, without leaving life itself. That's what we call "the right positive."
Why is positive thinking so important in the family? Let's look at one story.
Girlfriend and her mom
One day a friend of mine told me that her mother lived in constant anxiety and fear for all her children. The strangest thing about the story was that she had cultivated that fear herself. When her daughter asked her why she liked to be afraid, she said simply, " Because my fear is protecting you. When I'm afraid, you're all right. If I don't feel anxious, something may happen to you."
What is the logic of this behavior of the mother? It would seem that there is no logic. After all, everyone has long known how important it is to create positive thinking and attitude in any business, even in a small household. And logically, a mother would have to visualize a positive picture of situations for her children. But instead, she created a negative attitude of fear within herself, because she believed that fear can become a talisman in difficult situations.
Why could this happen at all and instead of generating a positive person begins to create a negative, while with the pure intentions of giving it for something right and good?
In fact, everything is logical and simple.
It's all about the so-called" reptilian brain", the oldest of the brain. And unlike the neocortex (the new brain, the cerebral cortex), the reptilian brain is not capable of analysis, creativity, reflection. The "reptilian brain" has one function – to survive at any cost. And since any perception of a situation is evaluated by him from the position of "dangerous – safe", where "dangerous" always precedes the assessment of "safe", then it turns out that fear is the first thing that the reptilian human brain is able to experience in the position of "here and now" when meeting with any essentially unexpected situation.
continued in the next article…