The study of investment problems is constantly at the center of economic discipline. This situation is because investments affect the deep foundations of financial and economic activity, determining the growth of the economy as a whole. It follows from the history that the concept of "investment" originated from the Latin "investire" - to vest. In the period of the feudal system, the word "investiture" meant: "the introduction of the vassal into the possession of the feudal lord". The same word could be used to designate the appointment of bishops, who thus received in their possession the land of churches, as well as the population and the hands of justice over them.
The institute gave the investor the right, not only to have access to new territories to use their resources but also to manage these lands through empowered puppets to implement their idea. The latter, on the one hand, justified the intensive exploitation of the population of the territories and made it possible to increase the income received from these territories, and, on the other hand, acted as a development factor. In the Russian economy, the term "investment" appeared relatively recently.
Before that, the concept of "gross capital investments" was used. The total volume of capital investments is a lump total cost of processing fixed assets. Investment is a broader concept than capital investment. In modern society, it is one of the most frequently used categories both at the macro and micro levels of the economic system. However, despite the attention of researchers in this sector of the economy, a universal definition of investment has not yet been achieved. There are several definitions of investment. Turning to the dictionary, we find the following formula for the desired concept: Investments - long-term investments (monetary, material), intellectual values inside the country or abroad in different sectors (enterprises, programs, etc.) to develop production, profit or other final results (for example, environmental, social). Investments - long-term investments (domestically or abroad) in various sectors of the economy. The most common and common notion of investment is long-term investments of money and other capital in their own country or abroad in enterprises of various industries, entrepreneurial projects, social and economic programs, innovative projects to generate income or achieve other benefits.
According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation N. 39-FZ of 25.02.1999 "On investment activity in the Russian Federation carried out in the form of capital investments", investments are investments - money, securities, other property, including property rights, other rights having a monetary value, invested in the objects of entrepreneurial and (or) other activities in order to make a profit and (or) achieve other useful effect; The words "investments" and "capital investments" are close in meaning and some authors consider them synonymous.
These examples of the concept of investment show how multifaceted and complex this economic group is. If we summarize all the above, we can conclude that investments in economic theory are understood as financial resources aimed at improving the productive forces of society. In other words, investment is the investment of capital by a private firm or the state in the production of a particular product for its benefit. It is distinguished from the direction of actions: Initial investments related to the acquisition or establishment of companies Extensive investments aimed at expanding production capacity Reinvestment: understood as investment in a released investment fund when buying or producing new capital goods Gross investment, including net investment and reinvestment. Based on the specific purpose of the future objectives, the investments can be divided as follows:
- - for production;
- for the construction of community facilities and other non-production facilities;
- for prospecting and exploration work;
- for design and research work.
Depending on the source of financing, the investment can be divided as follows centralized (at the expense of the federal budget and the budget of bases of the Russian Federation); Decentralized (at the expense of legal entities and individual developers).
Risks are distinguished by risks:
- Aggressive - are characterized by a high degree of risk. They are characterized by high profitability and low liquidity;
- Moderate - are characterized by an average (moderate) degree of risk with sufficient profitability and liquidity of investments; conservative low - risk investments characterized by reliability and liquidity