1. Joy in itself is not welcomed in Russian culture. Especially those who demonstrate spontaneously, noisily and brightly their high spirits look down on us. Even at the state celebrations, the participants are not happy at all. And this ban is often introduced from childhood, when parents, so that the child did not irritate, did not allow him to loudly express his feelings. And since it is always difficult for a child to distinguish between feelings and their manifestations, he or she learns with this internal mechanism and looks for what is called, "quiet joys", such as reading books. Therefore, for many years our country has been the most reading country in the world. There are also "international" prohibitions on the expression of joy adopted in many countries.
2. Boredom, which is transformed from suppressed irritation, is also traditionally carefully concealed. Both in lessons, lectures and meetings... It is believed that boredom is an impermissible luxury these days, when "time is money" and it is just fashionable to be carried away every second.
3. Anger and aggression are also prohibited in modern society. This feeling is especially condemned in Germany, where it is forbidden to sell military toys, weapons, or in the United States. If you in America tell a person that his or her statement is aggressive, consider him or her insulted. It's not appropriate to do something like that there. In a way...that and their smiles everywhere are more like horror grimaces, an effective way to protect them.
4. Guilt is often exploited. They are often manipulated in various domestic situations. In addition to everything else, wine is a built-in "punisher", and quite often a person cultivates this feeling and includes a mechanism of self-destruction.
5. Akin to him and a sense of resentment - a violation of an unsigned contract of love, which also aims to maintain affection, dependence on the object for much longer. Often by force. This indicates inability, unwillingness to part with the past and move forward.
6. Jealousy is something to be said about. It is known that this feeling is tried not to advertise, to exterminate in every possible way, and it is a mistake. Those who publicly admit that they are not jealous of anybody clearly suffer from clinical narcissism, and are even more likely to need psychotherapeutic help because it is envy, however strange it may seem, that is the basis of progress. In fact, all advertising is based on this hidden, judgmental feeling.
7. One of the most common hidden experiences is sexual attraction. For example, to parents. When a mother has been sleeping in the same bed with her son for too long, almost until she is a teenager, she risks turning her child into a complete schizophrenic. Unfortunately, there are many such cases. As well as the attraction to children, for which the punishment of the criminal order.
8. Fear can be added to the list of forbidden feelings to a greater or lesser extent. But if some fears are not supposed to be experienced, others are quite understandable and useful. In Soviet times, for the purpose of stoic quenching people, they did not even allocate money for the development of anaesthesia in dentistry, but time, as you can see, put everything in its place.
9. A feeling of pity can also become forbidden, as it is one of the expressions of love. And, alas, the proud people of today's civilization do not want to be sorry for them, confident that they are humiliated in this way, and most of them are not inclined to show such feelings. It is clear that in order to "crush" all warm motives in oneself, it is necessary to clearly regulate all mental processes in the body. Of course, this is not good for him. As well as the formal day of "hugging". Only hugs with your loved ones can bring a positive result, not strangers, without any emotions.
10. Sense of satiety, satisfaction is rarely put under the ban. Since it is classically considered that it is not nice to show off one's contentment, to show oneself calm in today's troubled world - at least it is dangerous. It is customary to suppose that in the West, where there are supposedly more freedoms than in Russia, there are, accordingly, much less forbidden feelings. But this is an erroneous opinion. As practice shows, there are much more freedoms in our Fatherland. Our thinking is more fluid and not bounded by any framework. In Muslim communities, where they try very deeply to penetrate into the psychological life of every individual, prohibitive motives increase significantly. On the whole, with regard to social prohibitions on the expression of feelings and emotions, we live much more comfortably than abroad, and this is, of course, a welcome fact.
Expert opinion:
Olga Dyachuk, psychologist and consultant, member of the Professional Psychotherapy League
I feel - therefore, exists. How can I let my feelings be? Listen to yourself. Think about how you treat your feelings: accept or suppress, place them under a ban, or understand and understand them. By imposing prohibitions on certain feelings, we deprive ourselves of a unique experience of meeting them. Take a few minutes and do an exercise that will help visualize the feeling. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and imagine any feeling: joy, sadness, delight, passion, longing or tenderness in the form of an image. What kind of image is this? Consider it carefully. Put the image of feeling on paper. When you've finished drawing it, consider your drawing slowly: how about what you draw, what emotions you get, what does it give you, what does it deprive you of? How do you "live" with him and how does he "live" with you? This simple exercise will allow you to get closer to your feelings and to know yourself. Good luck in this exciting process.
Lev Belogorodsky, psychologist, psychotherapist of the European Register of Psychotherapists
Living with yourself and others. The system of prohibitions is one of the forms of fixation of the social and cultural norm. Therefore, the acceptance of the system of prohibitions by the individual as he grows up is, first of all, a manifestation of his socialization. This is a signal: I am normal! Thus, an individual's consent to prohibit his or her open residence/expression of emotions/feelings tabooed in a given sociocultural space allows him or her to survive in the environment. Emotions help to react adequately to internal and external stimuli, and thus, by prohibiting some of them, we prevent a person from living in situations that he or she faces in life. A dilemma, however... The contradiction can be resolved through deep listening to oneself (which is a good thing to do, for example, before going to bed). It will allow you to "live" the "forbidden" emotions accumulated during the day, to learn how to track them and live on-line in socially acceptable forms during a certain training session.