A flowerbed is an excellent decoration for any place from the country house to the city park. Harmonious and well-groomed flowerbed, undoubtedly, will add generosity to the surrounding landscape. Therefore, if you are looking for a way to make your plot more comfortable and beautiful, it is a good idea to create a flower garden. With the right approach, this process will not cause much trouble but will please a bright and colorful result. And for the realization of the most different ideas you need first of all to buy seeds of flowers and to show a little diligence.
We choose the right place for the flower bed
For a flowerbed you can choose almost any place on the site, as long as it has fertile soil and meets the following simple conditions:
- The place must be protected from the wind.
- Groundwater should not be too close to the surface.
The future flower bed should receive a lot of sunlight. This condition is not mandatory. Of course, you can choose a place for a flower bed in the shade, but this will greatly limit your choice of flowers that can grow there. After all, almost all plants need a lot of light and heat.
Recommendations on how to make flowerbeds
The composition of the flower bed depends on your personal and individual tastes. Which flower seeds to choose, and how to combine plants - you decide. After all, the flower bed is laid down primarily for you and your loved ones, so the main criterion in the work should be your preferences. But still, there are some subtleties, paying attention to which, you can greatly simplify the task and achieve the most desired result:
- Before you start planting, you should prepare the soil well by loosening it thoroughly and adding compost.
- Do not sow seeds of only one color on a sufficiently large area. Otherwise, after the plants have blossomed, the flowerbed will no longer be so attractive.
- Leave tall plants in the background and low ones in the foreground. Not only does this look good, but it also prevents small plants from dying in the shade of large ones.
When sowing, make sure that the flower seeds are at the right distance between them. Otherwise, you will have to free some plants from others. Of course, it will be possible to transplant flowers later, but not all of them can survive this procedure.
Keep in mind that planting perennial flowers has a number of advantages. These plants are easy to grow from seed and do not need to be cared for too carefully. And every year they will become more and more magnificent.
Don't forget to feed the plants after planting. Organic and mineral fertilizers are also suitable for this purpose. When active flowers grow, it is important to weed flowerbeds regularly to avoid weeds.
Water the plants according to their need for moisture. Drip irrigation is a good option.
The flowerbed will bloom continuously if you pick up the plants in such a way that they replace each other. The very first to please the spring with its appearance of crocuses, primrose, and medusa, behind them blossom pulses and chamomile. At the end of spring, many kinds of flowers are planted - daisies, hyacinths, royal crowns, daffodils, peonies, and others. Chrysanthemums, velvets, and flocks will inform you about the arrival of autumn. Thus, by successfully combining the plants, your flowerbed will remain colorful until the arrival of winter.
These simple tips will help you to create a beautiful and harmonious flower bed in the near future.