Every person strives to be stronger, healthier, bolder, smarter. But is there always a desire to work on the development of these qualities? And if it does, is there a well-established methodology by which you can build work on yourself? Modern society is faced with a paradoxical situation: with the explosion of information about the world, the ways of its transformation, the science of man is still in its infancy. Even the experience that was inherited from previous civilizations has not been studied.
Meanwhile, our dynamic and contradictory time imposes ever-higher demands on the intellectual and neuropsychic capabilities of man. Already today, an unprecedented level of mental plasticity and adaptability is required of him. The line is close, beyond which the habitually used opportunities are exhausted. The question is about connecting unused reserves of the psyche and consciousness.
Another way is also possible - this is a regrouping of knowledge and opportunities in order to achieve their concentration in the crucial area. So far it has been done. In science, this has led to a deep specialization of knowledge and skills. A narrow specialist is the norm today. However, the need for high erudition is becoming increasingly acute. This is a requirement of production, science, culture and technology.
And here there is a contradiction between the need for intensive work on oneself and the interests of maintaining health, cultural and other needs. We need careful self-analysis, self-control, an understanding of the meaning of our activities in order to smooth out the severity of these contradictions, to achieve a harmony of interests and needs.
First of all, you need to understand why improvement is generally necessary. And this cannot be done without defining global goals, including the goal of life. The following is the task of self-assessment of the analysis of their capabilities, characteristic features of advantages and disadvantages. It is important to realize what exactly requires change and improvement. Only then can we begin to choose the methods for developing the missing qualities. But how often a person, understanding everything perfectly, does not find will, internal energy and strength to realize what he wants. He needs some kind of external impulses, shakes, constantly prompting him to move forward.
So far, not a single form of social consciousness, be it science or art, has given a satisfying modern man an answer to the question of his role and place in the world, the ways of development and self-improvement. Everything is focused on a static, unchanging person - as if there are no huge reserve possibilities of the psyche and consciousness, as if there are no alternative theories based on the understanding of man as a particle of an evolving universe that contains all the wealth and all the possibilities of the Cosmic Mind. Goethe spoke of a man that, “... accepting him as he is, we make him worse; accepting him as he should be, we force him to be what he can become, ”
In the second half of our century, the world was stunned by the stories of the American ethnographer K. Costaneda about the secret teachings of the natives of Central America. The author wrote about the magic of consciousness that has gone from the depths of centuries, the connections of man with the universe, the fantastic possibilities of people who have overcome stereotypes of thinking and have gone beyond the boundaries of everyday ideas about human nature. This is a complete concept of the structure of the world and the place of man in it.
Another alternative worldview concept is the teaching of yogis, which has a 50-century history. The ancient sages knew about the beyond the possibilities of man, his will, consciousness and psyche. They developed a system of means to bring a person from a state of limited existence to a broad path of self-knowledge, to which modern science is only approaching familiarity.
The system of yogis can be safely called the universal method of self-improvement. This is a synthesis of various means and forms of influence - from the use of color and sound, the adoption of certain postures and control of breathing to the introduction of the holy of holies - into the subconscious. The pinnacle of yoga is a self-programming method that allows you to most effectively use the reserve capabilities of the human psyche.
It involves the ability to plunge into a hypnotic state, to evoke a figurative, vivid representation of one's “I” endowed with the desired and qualities.
Here are some of the programs used by yogis: keep secret personal plans until their implementation; keep other people's secrets; Do not think or speak badly of anyone; develop a sense of love for people; to be humble, not to stand out specially, not to praise oneself; be able to find a positive side in any trouble; constantly work on yourself; increase exactingness to yourself, always keep your word and keep promises, etc.