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- Hello. are you Artem, huh?
- Yes, hello.
- My name is Olga, I talked with you, let’s follow me.

I get up and follow this girl for about 28-29 years in a gray knitted tight-fitting dress. She’s not thin, but not full, she’s rather a little in the body, but so that it looks even interesting. The dress itself is slightly below the knee, dark tights and black shoes. The courier that brought me here was wearing a hat with cat ears and boots that looked like from an Auchan. It’s good that not everyone here is like her.

- Here we will have a meeting room, but so far it is in the process. So now only a table and chair.
- Well, I think that’s enough for us, - I say, and I gently smile. A fine line between vulgarity and easy irony. She smiled back too. did not go too far. It’s funny that this is the second place in a row where they tell me - there will be a meeting room, but so far it is in the process. Apparently, this is the curse of all negotiators.

Olga tells me about the vacancy for which I was invited for an interview. Design engineer. The company deals with any plastic products. Managers communicate with customers and send an order description, engineers make a drawing, consider the cost and send this information back to the manager. Under the terms of five days, 5 engineers and the head of the department are sitting in the office. Salary - 35 plus bonuses. The size of the award is approved by the chief engineer, based on his observations of who worked. As a rule, from 2 to 8 thousand rubles. I sit and understand that in general, I came here in vain. they aroused my interest in the fact that it was 20 minutes from home, but in fact, it was darkness.

- Artem, do you have any questions?
- Really get at least 50? - I ask for the sake of decency, I have to ask something.
- Not at the moment. in the future in a few months, maybe yes. If you prove yourself as a designer, I see that you have experience in this field, then maybe we will review your position and, after some time, we will appoint the head of the department even for example.
- I see, there are no more questions, thanks.
- Do you agree to work?
- You know, I need to think.

For some reason, it’s always hard to say “no” to people in person. You answer that you need to think that you will call back. And do not call back.

I say goodbye to Olga, go out into the street, wrap myself with a scarf, put on a hat. Today the first serious snow fell, and I decided to put on my new winter boots. The fur in them had not yet had time to be compacted, and as if I were walking in the clouds. Walking in the clouds is now a rarity, the modern world corrupts us in terms of work, in the issue of wages, and this nails even more to the bottom. Our parents - mothers, fathers, grandparents, treated work as a kind of prize. If you have it, and they pay you there, then you are already a happy person, and there’s nothing to twist your face. We think that it should bring pleasure in addition to money. Should like, we must adore her and with a frequency of at least once a week upload photos on Instagram with a hashtag # I love my work. Otherwise, everyone will understand everything. Guess that you rode.

When my mother found out that I quit my job, where I received a stable salary higher than the average in St. Petersburg, I was appreciated as a specialist, and I practically did not bathe there, she was in shock. Mom gave me a runaway that like so, what are you doing. Only my arguments could convince her that I want to grow, try myself in something else, develop and not stand still. But she still was wild. and now, when I got a seat in another place, but out of habit I sometimes look at vacancies that I get a headhunter sending me to the mail, where there is a huge list of requirements for the candidate, up to the perfect knowledge of all programs in the world, English technical and conversational, lack of bad habits, and the work schedule every day from 8 in the morning is combined with a salary of 30 thousand rubles, I want to cry and laugh at the same time. Well, how else to relate now, today and here to this figure. You get up at 6.30 a.m. five days a week, make breakfast for yourself, get to work an hour, you get a brain fuck for 4 hours, then you eat cutlets from a container for half an hour, you get a brain fuck for 4 hours, you go back an hour, eat cutlets from a plate, and so the whole month. And some stupid cunt that spent six months in "House-2" will receive the same 30 thousand rubles for one post on Instagram, where he writes - oh, girls, I found such a cool cream here, it makes my skin look like a baby’s. How knowing this, working for that kind of money.

- Hello
- Hello
- I did not know that you work here
- I recently got a job while a consultant on any issues, then they can increase it.
- OK. will you help me get a card faster?
- Yes, here take a ticket in this unit.

I could take a coupon in the device even without you - I think I get up in this hellish electronic queue. 4c. dick knows what that means, Sberbank has its own rules, this is their game.

- You know, Stas, I was always scared that one day I would come to get a job, and the main class member would take me there. It’s good that you’re standing here, one less nightmare.
- Maybe one day I will.
- Don’t be offended, I'm joking. you’re not the main class lancer, you’re the main one, he’s working at the factory, he is transferring cookies from the conveyor belt to the box.

I get my card, I go outside, I understand what to eat, 3 p.m., business lunches in bars are still active. Opposite the Savings Bank, a house, I go in, I see a man of about thirty in a black T-shirt with a groomed beard at the bar.

- Hello, do you have tables with sockets?
- No idea

I turn around and leave. People hate their work because it is not the same as those who sell advertising on Instagram because they have to do something on it. therefore, there is nothing but rudeness, discontent, and anger. A generation of those who want to kick a dick and get paid for it. And I am the same, I won’t lie.

Okay. We sing at home.