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Serge lay on the grass and looked at the sky. Flying a couple of minutes ago, the plane left a white trail that connected two neighboring clouds, as if it were flying from one to the other. From point a to point b. It’s good that summer and vacations are now - Anna Nikolaevna will not force him to count the speed of this plane, the distance between points and a bunch of everything else.

Sergey was waiting for a garbage machine. She arrives in the courtyard at half-past five in the evening, her arrival means that you have to run home and watch transformers in sts, but at the same time there is. Mom allows you not to wash before dinner, anyway then run for a walk and get dirty. Today Seryozha is one. His friend Andrei left with his mother on business until evening, and another friend, Sasha, became ill. He lies at home, and his grandmother heals him. How can I catch a cold in July?

Suddenly a wheelchair approached Sergei. Kolya lived in his house, in the third entrance. He is three years older, loves to fight, and often kicked an earring. There was some initial anger in him who was younger and weaker. He loved to mock people and animals. He was afraid of those who were older and stronger. Flirted in front of them, constantly sucking. Stake was 13.

- Hi, sucker!
- Hello
- What are you doing?
- Just lying
- This is my grass, you can’t lie here, go fuck from here.
- Crazy or something like that, what is your grass, your yard too?
- Yes, mine, - said Kolya, embittered, and kicked Seryozha with his foot on the side.

Seryozha decided to stay lying, stupid to run away, he doesn’t want to fight, Kolya will beat him. And mom will swear that he is bruised and stained his clothes. But while he was thinking all this, Kolya kicked him again. Already stronger. Seryozha began to get up, Kolya pushed him, rising, and Seryozha fell. Kolya laughed.

- Run home, small cocksucker, please mom.
- I will not
- You will not run? This is my yard, I forbid you to walk here in principle. Run to mommy, she will wipe away the tears.

Kolya hit Seryozha with his fist in the back, and he sadly stomped home to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

"Maybe Kolya will later leave, forget about his ban, I’ll go out and everything will be fine. I don’t want to sit at home all the time. And you can’t interfere with parents. It will be even worse."


Mom was surprised that Sergei came so early. He explained that there was no one to walk with.

She fed him pasta with a cutlet; it was 5 p.m.

That day he told his mother that he was not feeling well, he was probably infected by Sasha and did not want to go for a walk anymore. Mom was surprised - they say, usually, you won’t drag him home, but here on. For the first time in the evening, people in black were shown on television. Sergei’s dad liked this movie.


The next day after breakfast, the earrings cautiously stepped out into the yard.

“I hope Kolya has already forgotten about me,” - he thought, - “or he just won’t be here today. Maybe he’d gone where.”

Hoping for a good deal, he saw a crowd of people at the third entrance. About 15 people. Someone is crying, even a police car arrived. There stood also a friend of Sergei Andrei.

"Hooray. at least someone will be with me today."

He ran to Andrew.

- What happened?
- Kolya died, - Andrei answered and pointed to his mother, who was all pale, with a complete absence of emotions on her face.
- As? When?
- At night. He sniffed gas in the garage with the guys from the neighboring yard and decided to light a cigarette. Burned alive in a few minutes.
- What a horror. How did it occur to him?
- I do not know, I have never sniffed gasoline.

Sergey was in shock. A man died, about the same age as him, whom he knew well.

At that moment the thoughts in his head were divided into two camps. On the one hand, death is terrible, you will not wish it to anyone. But on the other. He caught himself on a completely wild thought. He realized that he was glad of this death. That no more will not get him, and now the whole yard is at his disposal. all. No more kicks, name-calling, beatings. nothing. For some time the earring became scary. He is 10 years old, and he rejoices in death. It should not be. But instead of remorse, he smiled and raised his head to look at the sky, squinting from the bright July sun.

His gaze suddenly ran into an 8-year-old sister, who stood on the balcony of their apartment on the 2nd floor and cried.

Sergey winked at her and went to play football, Sasha brought out a soccer ball.

Finally recovered.