4. Bird litter
Compared to manure, bird droppings are more saturated with the nutrients needed for plant nutrition. Moreover, its impact occurs in a shorter time. However, it should be remembered that, as well as manure, it can only be used in its initial state when digging (twice a year - in the fall and spring). Consumption - approximately 200-300 grams of litter per square meter. When using this type of fertilizer as fertilizer it must be diluted with water at the rate of 30%. That is, type in a bucket or other container for a third of the litter and top up with water. Then you need to let it insist for 3 days, not forgetting to stir occasionally. The obtained concentrate is diluted 4 times and watered with plant fertilizer. Consumption will be 1 bucket per square meter of soil.
5. Wood ash
This fertilizer can be rightly called universal, because it is suitable for almost all plants and can also be obtained without material costs, simply using ash from the available in each dacha plot or furnace in the house. In essence, it belongs to the class of organic fertilizers, while perfectly replacing phosphorus and potassium minerals. It has the greatest effect when used for such plants as cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, zucchini, pumpkin and peppers. Tree ash helps the fruiting of many trees.
In this case, its advantages can certainly be attributed to the fact that it retains all its useful properties for many years. However, this is only achieved with proper storage. The container of ash should be stored in a dry place, otherwise (when it gets wet) it loses almost all calcium. If the soil in your area belongs in the sandy or acidic podzolic form, then the ash will have a good effect when applied to the grooves or holes when planting potatoes and vegetables.
Mineral fertilizers
This type of fertilizer is introduced to improve soil fertility and plant nutrition.
They are divided into two types, depending on the component components:
- Simple. They include one nutrient (or phosphorus, or potassium, or nitrogen, etc.)
- Complex. They consist of several nutrients.
When using mineral fertilizers, you must strictly comply with the rules, because with a very large number of them can die earthworms and microorganisms located in the soil, and eventually will lead to a decrease in yield. And the use of vegetables and fruits in which the excess content of this type of fertilizer can adversely affect human health.
What are the signs that the plants need some type of fertilizer? And how to help them?
In the case of a lack of nitrogen, the plant looks weak; its lower leaves can turn yellow, the flowering is much worse than in healthy plants. In this case, urea, ammonium sulfate, nitrates will help.
If there is not enough phosphorus, then the old leaves become fringed with red-purple shades, begin to fade in advance. The rest of the plant turns dark green, growing below normal. Here will come to the rescue superphosphate, other types of mineral phosphates, bone meal.
The disadvantage of potassium is that the edges of the leaves become burnt appearance (especially in the upper part of the plant), there is a dead area. Potassium fertilizers (potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate) or wood ash should be used in this situation.
When calcium is present in less than necessary amounts, the young leaves and the upper part begin to shrivel and turn inside and then die. Various compounds of calcium, lime, chalk or gypsum are used to assist the plant in this state of affairs.
Signs of excess potassium or insufficient magnesium are identical: on the old leaf, areas of dead tissue begin to form, their edges die down and the petioles weaken. It is better to use magnesium sulfate (kesterite), salt Epsom or dolomite limestone.
If the plant is low in iron, the young leaves turn yellow or colorless, but the veins tend to remain green. Plant growth slows down. Iron sulfate and Sequestrins (chelate of iron) will help.