In a relationship, such a thing always strikes me that you are meeting a girl, sleeping with her, living with her, telling everything, discussing gossip about your friends together, obsessing someone there, making plans, watching movies, TV shows. and at one moment it turns out that she can no longer say all this. The gap. And the closest person becomes the farthest to you in about one second. And all this baggage of knowledge about her world, and hers about yours turns out to be completely unnecessary. To nobody. Well now, what to do now with information about her friend, who loves horses with strange love, and her whole apartment is full of paintings with horses. You are looking for someone to drain the news about what woke up, ate, saw a waitress in Yamamoto looking like a Daeneris, only that low-ass, and plump legs, and so with this active search, you find a new girl. Or don't.
- What do you do in your free time?
- Well, I read books, watch movies, go to football, try to play sports so as not to overweight like a pig, sometimes I drink with friends. Yes, a lot of things. and you?
- I'm drawing
- This is very cool, I have always envied people who know how to draw.
- Truth?
- Yes of course. I can only draw a square, and then if someone gives a ruler.
- Ah, I don’t believe it. What kind of music do you listen to?
Such a question baffles me. It’s always embarrassing to admit in a decent society that you listen to rap. And although this is not the only musical direction that I value, it’s easy to understand from the audio recordings of the contact that rap prevails. And also Russian. Can't save me.
- Well ... in principle, I listen to completely different music, there are no certain preferences, the main thing is that it is beautiful. And tasteful.
I was waiting for her hour. Last time I went on a real date about a year and a half, probably back. Since then everything was somehow without them. I did not write to her, did not call, so as not to show myself to be a meticulous hysterical idiot, just sat there, decided that she would not come. I wait an hour and 15 minutes and leave. She arrived 7 minutes before my supposed departure. Beautiful. I like. We are sitting in a bar on the curfew avenue, Drinking rum. Tanya is 7 years younger than me, she was born when I went to first grade. At 26 I already like it.
We drink a couple of glasses, Tanya wants to take a walk. I agree we go outside, there is a very strong wind, I propose to go to me.
Half an hour later we are sitting in my kitchen, I take out glasses and a bottle of Redstag. She says she won’t drink anymore. I'm at a dead end.
- What is it?
- Enough for me.
- Maybe then juice, tea, water, do you want something?
- No, thanks, but can you smoke here?
- Smoke, I do not mind.
She lights a cigarette, looks out the window, I look at her. came home, does not drink, sits in a corner on a chair in the kitchen, strange. I don’t understand what’s next, it somehow gets out of all the schemes.
- Why is it so cold with you?
- The heating has already been switched off, spring is the same.
- On time, 8 degrees outside heat.
- I’ll go to turn on the floor heating, it will be more pleasant.
- Wow
- Everything for you.
- You were going to cook yourself for tomorrow, what aren't you cooking? I wanted to see.
- Somehow it is inconvenient to stand with your back to you, we communicate. Better come to dinner somehow, cook, feed you.
- OK. I do not eat meat only.
- At all?
- Yes, and fish too.
- Why, why?
- Well, I just don’t want to.
- No, I also think that animals are our friends, and they should not be offended. I hate fur coats there, these fur vests are vomit, but I can't without meat. And I eat, by the way, mostly just chicken, they are not particularly sorry, they are stupid. Shaking their neck. And fish don’t understand anything at all.
- Well, I don’t eat them all.
- Well done then, probably. In this case, I’ll have to think about what to cook. Seafood pasta, maybe?
- It will do.
- Well.
We sit chatting about her family, study, life. I talk about my trips to Europe, about Amsterdam, Munich, Tallinn. she left in an hour. I walked to a stop. There was nothing. We agreed to meet in a couple of days, I walked home and thought that starting a relationship is fucking bad. This beginning must be protected and try to stretch as long as possible until everything became darkness, life and a bunch of mutual insults. With her, we lasted three weeks.