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Tomato fungal diseases - signs, treatment, and prevention


Plants in the garden, despite the genetic barriers inherent in the seeds, are prone to many diseases. Diseases cause fungi, viruses, bacteria, they are infectious and if one plant becomes ill, then everyone becomes sick. Neither tomatoes planted in a greenhouse nor tomatoes planted in open ground are protected from possible contamination. It is very difficult to treat the disease. It is easiest to carry out prevention and to closely monitor the development of the plant. It is necessary to start intensive treatment at the first signs of the disease, and if it does not help the plant should be removed.

There are various fungal infections of tomatoes. They manifest themselves in the death of fruits and leaves. In order to be more effective in prevention and treatment, it is necessary to know the basic signs of infection.


Basic diseases of tomatoes and their signs

Plant blight is the most common disease

Phytophthora is also called late rot. It strikes the leaves and fruits in the second half of the summer. Very often you can find fruit on the garden bed, struck from below - the brown spot gradually spreads, and the vegetable dies, and behind it and the whole plant. The cause of the disease lies in the excess moisture. In a more dangerous position, there are plants in greenhouses. At the first sign of the disease - curled leaves need to start treatment. There is a very simple method to combat this disease. It is necessary to spray the plants with whey every seven days. You can also buy special plant protection products that will fight the disease, such as Ridomil Gold.

Macrosporiosis is the most virulent fungal infection

Another name for this disease is dry spotting. It is a fungal disease. The main sign of this disease is brown spots on the leaves. The spots get bigger and the leaves die off. Fruits usually remain intact, but cease to receive nutrients on the stem, do not develop. Although there are sometimes fetal lesions. There are small brown, slightly stained spots. The disease begins to progress in hot weather. Again, we can say that this disease is more prone to tomatoes in the greenhouse. It is easiest to cure the plant with preparations with elements of copper. Another important thing is the microsporidiosis fungus is very viable. It stays in the remains of vegetation and soil for a very long time, so the land will need to be cultivated before planting other plants there, and what is left of the patients - to burn.

Septoria is a seedling disease

White spotting is a very dangerous disease. The source of it may be the remains of old infected plants. This disease affects the whole plant at once. The disease can manifest itself in the seedling stage. Increased humidity accelerates the infection process. Even in the first stage of the disease, the plant drops its fruit. It is very difficult to cure. It is best to make every effort to prevent it.

White and brown rot

This disease develops in the case of unsystematic and excessive feeding of the plant with pus. It can be provoked by high soil moisture and cold weather. There are spots on the fruits, and they can no longer be saved. Must be removed with a brush. Black growths on the stems may also appear.

Peak rot - we fight the disease by proven methods

There are many reasons for this disease. It appears mainly on the fruit. And it spreads very quickly. When the first signs are found, it is necessary to check all the fruits and ruthlessly remove the infected ones. You can fight it with old, proven "grandmother" methods. Sprinkle the plant with infusion of onion husk. Sprinkle with eggshell, simmer. That should be enough. As a prevention, eggshell and onion husk can be poured into the wells when planting seedlings in the soil.

Blackleg - the most dangerous disease of tomato

This disease occurs during the period of seedling growth. It is subject to initially weak plants. The main feature is black rot on a leg near the ground. It is impossible to save such a plant. A week after the infection, she will inevitably die. It is necessary to destroy such a plant and treat the soil with a solution of manganese.

General measures for the prevention and control of fungal infections of tomatoes

Choose the right place for planting plants, following the rules of rotation. Tomato seeds can be grown in one place for several years. Each time it is necessary to transplant, and on old to return not earlier than in four years. It is necessary to harden the plants, prevent sharp changes in temperature, tie, remove the stepchildren, ventilate the greenhouses, do not store any plant residues near the beds. Fruits must be collected unripe. They mature well at home, and the plants will have more power. You can use different drugs for prevention: Bordeaux liquid, copper-soap. Emulsions. Fertilizers. By the way, there is another very good tool for combating fungal diseases - garlic. Garlic cereals are infused and the resulting solution is sprayed with plants.

It is possible to get a good harvest of tomatoes. But every effort must be made to prevent the disease from appearing on your beds.