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The way we treat our life, with faith in good or negative, largely determines the further course of our destiny


The one who constantly whines, whines and whines, as a rule, never achieves anything significant in life. Conversely, optimistic, going through life with a smile, easily able to overcome all difficulties. They confidently go to the chosen goal and achieve it, and others say: "how does he succeed?»

How does a positive attitude "work"? It has long been known that we all live according to the laws of "mirror reflection" and receive from the outside world the energy that we ourselves give to it. Irritated by repeated failures? Do not notice anything good in life, and all your attention is focused on the negative moments? Think about what statements you repeat more often: "I can", "Everything will be fine" or "I will not work", "This is beyond me","Nothing good can be expected"? If in your thoughts and words there is more dark negative, then it is not necessary to be surprised when it appears more and more often in your life – it just comes back to it!

"Misfortune does not come alone", "not a man, but thirty-three misfortunes" - so folk wisdom aptly describes repeated failures. Have you noticed how positive, joyfully welcoming every new day people attract luck like a magnet? They are able to enjoy good news, enjoy every positively charged minute, and their cheerful "charges" are distributed to others – with positive people everyone wants to communicate, they are always surrounded by friends.

But at least a little bit to succumb to depression and to begin to "limp" as the failure will immediately begin to pour, as from a leaky bag.

The structure of our world is such that people for some reason first of all pay attention to bad, and good, on the contrary, often do not notice, it seems to them not so essential. But the Outlook is changing to positive, and gradually it begins to seem that it is joyful, good moments in life more, and the problems go by the wayside. Very soon a person begins to notice that his positive attitude materializes, and this is not accidental – the one who seeks to achieve in life any heights, must firmly believe in the best. If you love life, you will sooner or later wait for her reciprocity!

To change your life and "adjust" it to a confident positive wave, first stop all the time complaining about failures and bad luck, everyone you meet to cry about their problems and always expect only the bad.

Part with envy-a faithful companion of a negative attitude to life. A work colleague getting a promotion? The neighbor again returned from the store with huge bags full of new things? Girlfriend got right and is going to buy a car? Believe me, this is not a reason to get upset! Maybe now, in your new position, your former colleague will put in a good word for you? And to the neighbor something long you didn't look, perhaps, she will prompt addresses of shops where now very favorable sales? As for the girlfriend, think about what bothered you with it to finish driving school and to walk around the showrooms? It's not too late to fix everything and become a full-fledged driver, and a friend, seeing your positive attitude, will gladly help you learn the rules of the road!

Begin to treat yourself positively, looking with approval in the mirror and not focusing on visible shortcomings. Go to the stylist, makeup artist and forget all the unpleasant situations that have happened to you because of your appearance. Or maybe you just lacked confidence, and in fact you look great!


Never remember the phrase " I will never achieve it." Think, perhaps, you thought so, presenting a completely unrealistic prospect? Reconsider your plans, outline real, truly achievable goals and boldly begin to implement them! Yes, the Minister of Finance, you may not become, but the position of head of the accounting Department you just on the shoulder!

Return to your life a little joy-put a disc with your favorite music, buy and enjoy eating delicious ice cream. To overcome possible chronic fatigue, ask for a day off at work or take a day off-maybe you need an elementary sleep? Call your friends and arrange a fun meeting in a pleasant place-the fulfillment of small desires will allow you to restore the lost positive mood!

Well, are you all ready to move on to a new line of life?