The relaxation exercise "fists"
Sit or lie down in any comfortable position, close your eyes and begin to clench your fists. Squeeze them harder and harder - as hard as you can. Once you've reached the limit of tension, stop all efforts. Hands will relax by themselves. Remember this pleasant feeling - this is the state of real relaxation. Then in the same way create and release in turn tension in feet, shins, hips, shoulders, neck, face. Then tense the whole body at once - and sharply release the tension. Repeat several times.
Exercise on relaxation "breath-exhalation"
Lie down or sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply, smoothly and slowly. Imagine how with each exhalation a wave passes through your body from top to bottom, which carries away all the tension, and it comes out of your body through the footsteps of your feet.
Having completely exhaled all the air from your lungs, hold your breath for a few seconds and direct your attention to your body, checking where there is still tension. Inhale and exhale again and imagine that a relaxing wave takes away all the tension from your body. Repeat several times.
Air Relaxation Exercise
Lie down or sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Breathe slowly, smoothly, deeply. When breathing in, imagine that the air you breathe in enters your legs rather than your airways. Exhaling, imagine that air from legs leaves outside, and with it leaves pressure. On the next exhalation imagine that air enters hands, and on an exhalation leaves, carrying away pressure. Then with each following breath in turn imagine, how air enters a stomach, a chest, a back, a neck, a head, and on an exhalation leaves, carrying away tension. In 3-5 minutes of such breathing you will be completely relaxed.
Exercise to relax the "inflatable mattress"
This exercise is done lying on your back. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, evenly and evenly. Imagine that your body has become like an inflatable mattress pumped with air. Here you take out the "cork" from the "mattress" in your mind, and the imaginary air begins to come out. Feel like such a deflating mattress - your body becomes heavier, more densely pressed into the surface on which you lie, and finally turns into a deflected "rag". You will need 2-3 minutes to relax.
Sand Body Relaxation Exercise. This exercise also requires imagination.
Lying on your back, close your eyes, breathe deeply, slowly, evenly. Imagine that your body is a bag of sand. It is heavy and stationary. But the sand begins to fall asleep through the holes in the bag. It slowly flows out in thin jets. Along with it, the weight and tension go away. The body becomes light and as if shapeless. You can even stop feeling the boundaries of your body, as if "dissolved" in the surrounding space. If you do this exercise before going to bed, it will help you to sleep. But if you have to get up and go back to your normal routine, then relax and rest properly, then squeeze and unclench your fists several times and stretch to regain the feeling of your body.