Perseus only remembered that there were always difficulties and troubles with his mother. Men somehow immediately fell in love with her, and with an eternal and constant desire to master her, and poor Dana only sighed with the most innocent expression of the face, and the secret blissful heat, which further affected the servants, And on kings - and not only on kings, because, certainly, nobody ever explained to it an origin, however the earth is filled with hearing, and, oh gods, if it did not hide in a bag, Zeus's son especially.
Perseus knew for a long time everything, that's why he kept on equal footing even with the formidable Polydecta, because of which all this strange story took place; in general, he was independent and cheerful, witty and resourceful, in games he couldn't hold back, he was clever and kind to women - just a glance - and he never flipped away, and somehow he wasn't worried about all these troubles and moves, so when the Polydectacle needed horses, Perseus was happy -
First of all, because it was a chance to get rid of the annoying admirer who was chasing his mother and was afraid of Perseus alone, otherwise he would have broken into her in broad daylight: the Polydict will marry Hippodomy, fine, give him horses, give him anything he wants to die - here he pulled his tongue -
and secondly, it was necessary to get caught somehow, to get support at least one of the strongest people in the world and finally finish with these wanderings! - In short, let him take horses and get married to an Ethiopian woman, so he fooled around and rattled about Gorgon: "For you, Polydekt, I don't feel sorry for anything, I can deliver not horses, but even Medusa's mandu!
O gods, well, what can't be said behind the bucket of wine, all the more pure, - the whole table just went on a laughingstock! - But this guy clung to his words, and now it is a matter of honor to get this very... head.
No, Perseus understood perfectly well at that moment that the king wanted to capture Danaë, that's all, it was a trap, and Medusa only so, to avert his eyes, but he was also sure that he was sending the guy to his death, because everyone who saw this thing, immediately stones, so that it was possible to hit their heads or hands with a hammer - well, that's how everybody told -
but there were always a lot of trepaches too, and you won't know where the miracle is, and he didn't want to be called a trepach; on the other hand, some inner voice - it was probably Athena again - said to him, "Go get him this thing, because it's your moment, you were born to do this job, and the mortal didn't have to ask too many questions in such situations -
It was very pleasant to think about it, he asked himself such questions about how strange the human world was on the way:
- In a strange and miraculous way, you suddenly understand where you should go and what you should do,
- strangely, the heroes are looking for a heroic deed, and everyone in the family is written his gorgon, you can't go anywhere (if he knew what he was thinking then!),
- Strangely enough, you have to dive in to dive in (!), etc., etc.
In short, he found himself in an interesting place, very interesting: Enio, Perfedo and Dino, old ladies from birth, they all have in common; one tooth for everyone, so that the process of eating caused Perseus to laugh hominiously, because they passed one tooth to each other, while those who waited for saliva to fall on the floor; they also had one eye on everyone, so that one sat and chewed, the other chewed, and the third looked at all this
Perseus even decided that he had a classic drama of eternal equality before him, and that any equality he had always understood since childhood how devoid of something - from this point on, perfect equality - slavery, slaves clasping with spoons on bowls at the common table at the stables - and the single tooth of the Fork Sisters was a great equalizer; he easily took away from them what little the ridiculous Olympians had left them, and ordered them to point the way to the Medus sisters.
and then the old ladies sighed...
- The case is young...
he didn't understand that phrase.
they led him to some rocks, there were towering gods... gods of all things good, Perseus began to recognize them as human figures! - Yes, they were petrified victims, and... and then he realized that all these were fairy tales: there were no figures, only bizarre mountainsides.
but the Meduses are not a joke or a myth, and he remembered everything he was told about this country: like dragons, with copper hands and golden wings, these monumental creatures were spinning their heads in a measured and terrible way, waiting for the next fools to come to - to - to - what? —
Oh, there's something fascinating in the golden wings and copper paws of monsters, there's something that attracts them! And the next hero stops on the slope and looks into the eyes of Medusa, he's amazed at her size, he prepares proud words to throw them in her face - and meanwhile his hands are at