...by the way, if you read the stories of great love carefully, you're going to have a lot of questions: Perhaps because these stories are not actually designed to be read carefully - one tedious Englishman even expressed himself in the sense that all these stories are not about love, - a clear inflection, of course - not, most likely because everything great has one root, as a simple-hearted Emerson convinces us, - and he is ingenious, - and he is not exhausted by this root of greatness, and maybe even less should be looked at in the roots - absolutely, behind this Kozma Prutkov, forgot to appreciate flowers, - in fact, it is a myth, where all the riddles, all wild: Here, Hymen flies, flies to himself on business (and he has a lot of business to do), and here he is called Orpheus - they say, come on, here, connect me with legal ties - and Hymen wrinkles: does not want to fly there - foresees that the good deed will not end
why is that? - It is clear why: it is impossible for such as Orpheus, i.e. geniuses, to marry, or tragedy or worse, and it turns out that Hymen is not able to resist such stupidity: he knows all this metaphysics of marriage, but he can not change the position of the figures, it is unclear why the gods allowed such stupidity: because they see what a man goes to... apparently, every genius must find his pit
And by the way, the snake, which (so wrong) bit the newlyweds, is, according to commentators, an antipode to Orpheus' song: the land that takes its own ashes, a man: that is, imagine, loved, as I sing your beauty and drink plans, and at the same time this bastard is already preparing me a gift: You can't bend over a stick, you can't break some fragile and incomprehensible balance established by the gods, they don't tolerate when mortals are too good and when they imagine themselves gods for a moment - and here is a brilliant singer, and even such love! - No, it is too much like the feast of the gods, and the serpent is a sign of the earth that does not forgive flying.
But I don't insist: it can represent anything: earthly wisdom as opposed to divine wisdom, treachery, sin, evil, chance, doubt, Satan on a walk, don't-know-what-
It is not forever to win over all kinds of fries and mermaids, or sirens - remember when the Argonauts sailed past their island, the sirens began to call them in, and Orpheus called them quail and thus saved the doomed: there, of course. There were heated debates, as always happens in the men's company - especially after the wine, especially after 4 weeks in the sea, but without women - only fury and rocking - for sure, there were brave men who wanted to visit the strange island, where women sing so wonderfully; in fact, there are men. who are just waiting for such draft songs, and certainly not all of them agreed with Orpheus, who deprived them of the rare bliss of his art (as they believed), and so by the way...
everybody listened to Orpheus: sitting at the stern on the leeward side and listening to the divine singing, and Booth alone rushed to the sea about sailing to the sirens, and these people - you just listen to me - invented a myth about how Aphrodite kidnapped him from the sea (than these bitches get, it would be better if it were with me) - an obvious lie, and what if he swimmed and began to live there ...
Sooner or later everyone faces such a question; they say not to listen to the sirens and believe in all sirens and all sorts of beautiful and more weighty and real things - great; they say that sirens always lie and are cleverly lured into the net - it's strange, though so, only the world in which the sinless Orpheus appeared to be a net too; maybe old Booth was not so stupid...
All these are not idle questions: every man understands them: he swims on business, maybe he will do a feat, and here she is - in the glow of beauty, as it is due and all the ways and courses go to hell; and on the other hand, what is the end of Orpheus? - the same menandas, the same damn futures...
Ovidius surprisingly brightly describes the grief of Orpheus after the death of his wife, and how he hit the strings, and the whole life in Hades and the surroundings froze: everyone listened to the singer, it is natural that in him this death caused such devastation, because for the poet love - the engine, I beg your pardon, the fire of life - and therefore Orpheus tried so hard; and here is a new discovery: Art returns love, immortalizes it - it's a metaphor, because no Eurydice returned it to him, it is necessary to understand, no, no, of course, returned, but the myth symbolically depicts the impossibility of revival - precisely because of human nature, which clings to its dogmas, all these theories of metempsychosis, transformation of souls, etc. People have been tormented for a long time, and some gullible people are still grasping at this illusion; however, the reality seems to have condemned us: we are finite.
Is it tragic, depressing, terrible?
I think it's wonderful: first, it's a condition of freedom, because you have to agree that if I have one hundred more transformations and some incomprehensible divine plans, in which I don't have a word, it's just like a butt
I'm reborn to become ashes again - what kind of freedom of choice, will, ideals - everything falls apart in dust, and our Hindu friends have long understood this; secondly,