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Honey in the diet of athletes

In the October 1955 issue of the magazine, an article by Lloyd Percival of the Sports College in Canada, the issue of the rational use of honey by the villagers was very well covered. I would like to cite here a rather large excerpt from this article, as sport is nowadays a major focus of attention in schools and colleges, and coaches of sports teams are constantly looking for ways to allow experienced athletes and beginners to maintain their bodies in a state of strength, stamina, and energy.

Since 1951, the Sports College has been systematically experimenting to determine the meaning of honey in the nutrition of athletes. Previously, we had been interested in honey as a source of energy, but no special study of its effect on the body had been conducted. Inhabit, we used it as a healthy food because of its widespread use.


Products that activate the body, stimulate the recovery of strength after active training, and contribute to the maintenance of the body in an active state at high physical activity, there was a keen interest in the identification of foodstuffs and beverages that could be most effectively used for these purposes. The question we were most interested in was: which of the products is the ideal energy food?

We were interested in finding such a product or a combination of products that would provide the body with the fastest and most necessary energy, without having various harmful side effects on the body. To this end, a series of studies have been organized.

We have also launched a campaign to gather information about such research carried out by other authors. As a result, we can now score widely used energy-source products and beverages such as honey 9, glucose 7 1/2, corn syrup 7, dark sugar 6, white refined sugar 4 1/2.

The following factors are taken into account when assessing energy products:

  • 1. Measurable reaction (physical properties).
  • 2. Digestibility.
  • 3. Chemical reaction (acidity, etc.).
  • 4. the general tolerance of an athlete to a certain product.
  • 5. Caloric content of food.
  • 6. Taste qualities (on a tasting scale).
  • 7. Variety of use
  • 8. Economy
  • 9. Main components.

The analysis of the results of our product testing shows that:

1) Honey, as far as it can be objectively assessed, is an ideal energy product, which is necessary as a charge before high physical activity on the body, to maintain the body's stress during the period of maximum activity; for rapid energy recovery after the period of extreme stress;

2) Honey can be a source of energy even in small doses due to its high caloric value;

3) It is very much loved by athletes for its taste qualities;

(4) On average, each Athlete may consume more honey than any other energy product or drink (tested);

(5) The popularity of honey is also explained by the fact that it can be used in various forms and combination with other products and beverages;

(6) Honey is a pure, natural product, probably free of bacteria and irritants.

As a result, we recommend honey:

1) as a charge before performing a high level of physical activity;

2) for consumption during the period of greatest activity of the organism;

3) for use during the rest period, when the body is exhausted after performing high physical activity;

4) for daily consumption, especially at breakfast, to meet the daily energy needs of the body;

5) as a common sweetening agent and for smearing bread;

(6) in combination with dishes such as fruit salad; sourpuss, brawny, rice pudding, etc.;

7) for baking various confectionery products;

8) for preparing Kandi;

9) instead of other well-known types of sweeteners.

Endurance: the endurance test of the athletes has shown that the greatest effect is to take two tablespoons of honey 30 minutes before the competition.

Restore strength: When receiving honey after a lot of exercise, athletes quickly regained strength and could soon continue training.

Reinforcement honey: Athletes who received honey between hockey, basketball and soccer, and between track and field runs, said they felt a big surge of strength and less fatigue at the end of the competition. Athletes who were on a reduced calorie diet after eating a teaspoon of honey after eating had a feeling of satiety, honey also contributed to better absorption of food, and helped maintain a sense of strength, energy.

Overall, according to the findings of a mass test of the effects of honey on athletes in sports colleges over four years, honey is the ideal energy product to help them recover from high levels of exercise. It can be recommended to all sportspeople and those who want to be active, productive all day long.