Hypertension is one of the most serious medical problems. It is a fairly common phenomenon and at the same time the very serious condition of the body. There is almost a certain correlation between the increase in blood pressure and the adaptability of a person to the environment.
When a person does not have a conflict with the environment, he feels strong, energetic, and more or less successful in life. If a person cannot adapt to the conditions that create life, there are various disorders of the body's functions, and one of the manifestations of the negative impact of the environment on the human body may be hypertension. The importance of the problem of hypertension increases, as it is a concomitant factor in heart and kidney disease, which kills 3/4 of the total number of people dying from the disease each year. Whether hypertension is a stand-alone disease or a symptom of a disease is controversial; when the cause of the disease is unknown, we view hypertension as a stand-alone disease. People with high blood pressure are usually divided into 2 groups. When its cause cannot be (high blood pressure (hypertension) is usually attributed to a certain disease, primary hypertension fecal matter is usually considered. If there is a clear cause of the disease, the term secondary hypertension is used.
The medical literature explains the mechanism for increasing blood pressure that causes hypertension. In the human body, a high load in the circulatory system falls on small blood vessels - arterioles. In the early stages of hypertension, the arterioles are compressed alternately, and during sleep, the blood pressure returns to normal, as the compression of the arterioles decreases. However, in many cases, these vessels gradually lose the ability to restore normal tension, and over time, rest does not cause the blood pressure to return to normal. According to scientific medicine, the nature of arterioles narrowing at high blood pressure can probably be explained in two ways: the first - due to the state of hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, tuning the body to a pessimistic way, predisposing it to struggle and defeat, which causes mass compression of arterioles. The second is due to the influence of chemicals circulating in the blood and causing arterioles to shrink.
Based on constant observations of patients suffering from hypertension, it can be assumed that in most cases the cause of diseases is individual characteristics. The majority of hypertensive patients are active, energetic, volitional, active people who usually strive and try to do as much as possible in the shortest possible time. These people are of a type that can be compared to racehorses. A careful interview with these patients and their relatives usually reveals that the disease has not been inherited and is due to their individual development from the first days of life.
What is the position of folk medicine regarding hypertension?
Of the food recommended the most carbohydrate-rich - fruits, herbs, berries, honey, while eggs, meat, milk, cheese, peas, beans, nuts, rich in protein and containing much less carbohydrates should be consumed moderately. The first prerequisite for the development of hypertension is the daily consumption of large amounts of protein food with low carbohydrate content. It increases the consumption of protein to provide the body with the energy it needs to withstand the stress of an increasing rate of life. One example is the African tribes that kill and eat a cow before hunting a lion, attacking livestock and threatening the lives of their members. By consuming protein food - meat - they build up a supply of food in their bodies that is necessary to carry out such a burden on the body as hunting, which requires courage, stamina, strength, etc.
Such increased daily consumption of protein food would not cause harm, if the increased alkalinity of the blood, which contributes to the appearance of such food, would be compensated by an appropriate increase in the amount of acid in organic form, in the form of apple vinegar, apples, grapes, cranberries or their juices. The blood reaction is always alkaline. But the alkalinity of the blood may increase or decrease. When the alkalinity is increased, the blood thickens and precipitates in the form of small flakes. Blood plasma (liquid) passes through the walls of the smallest blood vessels of the circulatory system, just as ink passes through blotting paper. But the thickened blood barely passes through the walls of the smallest blood vessels.
Fine flakes clog some of these vessels and after a certain period, there is a reverse flow of blood, which increases the blood pressure.