Tortellini (Italian: Tortellini) - a variant of Italian dumplings made from unleavened dough with meat, vegetables or cheese. First tortellini were prepared in the region of Emilia-Romagna (northern Italy). The appearance of tortellini resembles a miniature version of our dumplings. To make you understand, tortellini are so small that they should only be cooked for two minutes!
There are several interesting stories of the appearance of tortellini.
The first of them says that the tortellini was invented by the owner of the small Corona Inn in the town of Castelfranco Emilia, which is located near Modena. The owner was so curious and eager for female bodies that he could not resist and spied on the guests in the keyhole. It was in 1200, when a noble lady settled in the chambers of Corona, who was insanely beautiful. As usual, the man went to peek into the keyhole and found a beautiful lady behind the dressing process. But, either the keyhole did not give sufficient visibility, or the man was so excited that he could only see the female navel. But this spectacle impressed him so much that he immediately rushed to the kitchen and blinded his first tortellini, which in shape repeated the shape of the navel.
The second legend is no less entertaining than the first. One evening after a difficult battle between the inhabitants of Bologna and Modena, the gods Bacchus, Mars and Venus went to rest in the Corona Inn. The next morning, Bacchus and Mars left the place of overnight, leaving the slumbering Venus alone. She, waking up, in a loud voice inquired for help. The innkeeper immediately found himself in the chambers of Venus and was struck by the expressive outlines of the goddess. Returning to the kitchen, he was still thinking about Venus, and without noticing it, he took a piece of dough and began to stuff it, giving the products the shape of the navel of Venus.