Valentina Matvienko (née tyutina) is a Russian politician and diplomat. Since September 21, 2011, she has served as Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly. The name of the woman-politician is regularly exaggerated all country, after all interest makes not only her professional activity, but also family life. Valentina Ivanovna's only son is a successful businessman, which many associate with her direct support. In this regard, the financial position of the official is of particular importance.
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A few words about the main thing
How much does V. I. Matvienko
Property clerk
The financial situation of Russian officials is reflected in their income declarations, which are published on official websites. Therefore, it is no secret that in 2018 V. I. Matvienko earned 15.3 million rubles, which is 33.6% less than her income in 2017 (23 million rubles). According to information taken from the same source, it is clear that the main item of cash receipts from the head of the Federation Council of the country is her salary.
If we compare her economic condition with other colleagues of equal status, it becomes clear that the income of a female politician is not at all large. However, for the sake of completeness, movable and immovable property owned should also be taken into account. So, Valentina Ivanovna owns a Chevrolet Niva, a city apartment, a dacha and several land plots. In addition, after the death of her husband in 2018, a country house, a land plot and an apartment in St. Petersburg became her property.
But the richest in the family of the domestic official is her son Sergei, whose fortune is estimated by the relevant rating agencies at several billion us dollars. It is interesting, but the businessman claims that he owes commercial success not to the assistance of an influential mother, but solely to his own great abilities as a business Manager.
A few words about the main thing
For our country Valentina Matvienko is not just a bright politician, but the first woman in history who took the post of Chairman of the Federation Council. She is rightfully recognized as the most influential woman in Russia, and her opinion is listened to by the first persons of the state. In this regard, because of the initiatives of a strong-willed woman with an iron character, advocating for the prosperity of our country, important bills were passed to reform the tax service system, the activities of collectors, the rules for the export of natural resources, the level of payment of public servants, etc.
At the suggestion of Valentina Ivanovna, the study of the dependence of the level of happiness of citizens depending on the specific decisions of the country's leadership was carried out. However, the Russians themselves believe this initiative is not quite adequate to the concept of" patriotism", because the level of remuneration of the official exceeds the average in the country by almost 50 times. And over the past decade, it has grown 10 times, which can not boast of most of the country's population.
How much Does V. I. Matvienko earn
The official website in the Kremlin publishes, among other things, annual data concerning the income of the Chairman of the Federation Council. Interestingly, the salary of officials has undergone significant changes over the past decade. And the peak came in 2014, when the capital apartment was sold for more than 150 million rubles. But even after deducting this payment, it turns out that the growth of wages in that year was quite significant relative to the previous period (about 150%).
In subsequent years, there was also a significant increase in the remuneration of the Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia. If you do not take a one-time decline in this indicator in 2018, the overall trend is simply impressive. In this regard, regular attempts by the authorities to reduce the costs of the state for the maintenance of the apparatus of officials seem completely formal. After all, a specific comparative analysis of Valentina Ivanovna's income over the past decade suggests the opposite picture.
If we take into account the period as Senator from 2012 to 2017, the income of Matvienko increased by 761%. But not only these facts pay close attention of the public. It turns out that the spouse of the official Colonel of the medical service Vladimir Matvienko, who worked until 2011 as a teacher of the military medical Academy in St. Petersburg and received a modest pension of 19 thousand rubles, indicated, for example, in the income Declaration for 2017, the amount exceeding 17 million rubles. And the source of income was simply not specified.
In addition, many citizens of our country are perplexed about the financial results of the son of V. I. Matvienko, who is a successful investor and commercial figure since 1992. The owner of a decent stake in several domestic banks and the company "Empire" is engaged in construction, transport logistics, cleaning services and even promising media projects.
Many people are interested in the relationship between the commercial success of the son and the great opportunities of the mother as a statesman. Especially many questions arise about the reconstruction of old mansions located within the city on the Neva river, the contract for which was issued to the companies "Axiom" and "Business-invest", owned by Sergei Matvienko. The magazine " Finance "in 2011 published a thematic rating of domestic businessmen, according to which he was among the" 500 richest Russians " with a fortune of 4.9 billion rubles.
Property of the official
Except a salary V. I. Matvienko declared as property the following personal and real estate: the apartment, giving, the car and some parcels of land. As the heiress of the property of the spouse who died in 2018, she can take possession of other material values.
But all these properties simply pale next to the mansions, land, hotel complexes and other construction projects owned by the Senator's son. According to conservative estimates, the value of this property is estimated at 8.4 billion rubles.